![]() Mrs. Nathalie Pollard's dog Julia. [The student who was to portray Mrs. Nathalie Pollard could not appear.] |
![]() My name is Mrs. Nathalie Pollard and we are standing beside the grave of my beloved dog Julia. It is to her that I owe my life. On the night of January 30th, 1885 I was preparing for a lecture when Julia began to act in an unusual and excited manner. I was too busy to pay heed but Julia became frantic with alarm and I asked what was wrong and noted a sense of urgency in her eyes and realized that something was not right. That is when I smelled the smoke. The house was on fire and I quickly roused the other neighbors in my building and we gathered together not knowing how to escape. Fortunately for us the firemen arrived and we were rescued. Julia was given high praise from all who were saved by her. When she died I wanted to bury her properly and asked the Reverend Stephen Merritt to help me. When I told him about Julia he agreed to help. Secretly this plot was secured for Julia since burials of dogs in cemeteries were frowned upon. A beautiful custom casket was fashioned and lined with pink satin. Together with Merritt's professional mourners we proceed to this lovely cemetery and laid my beloved Julia to rest. Carved onto her stone I wrote: "To Julia my only true friend.", a simple token of devotion to one whom I owe my very life. Presented May 22, 2004 by The Richmond Hill Historical Society, Maple Grove Cemetery, and The Immaculate Conception School of Jamaica Estates, NY (Dr. Charlene Jaffie, principal). Copyright © 2004 Carl Ballenas & Nancy Cataldi.
No claim to Old Kew Gardens [.com] color photograph. |