Helen Serger as portrayed by a student from the Immaculate Conception School of Jamaica Estates, NY. Helen Serger as portrayed by a student from the Immaculate Conception School of Jamaica Estates, NY.  Click here to return to the home page.

       I am Helen Spitzer, and I became Helen Serger when I married Frederick in the 1930's.  I was born in Salesia, which is now part of Poland.
       We are both very well known in the art world.  Frederick was born in Czechoslovakia in 1889.  He studied at the Academy of Art In Munich, Germany, as well as in Paris and Vienna.  He was a prize-winning non abstract modernist painter.  He painted in the French School Style, and admired greatly Cezanne and he loved to paint still lifes and interiors, and he adored lavish colors.  His last one man show was in 1963.  His artwork is shown in Museums all over the world.  We have donated much of our private art collection to the museums as well.
       Frederick and I collected art in Europe before we came to New York in 1941.  I became an Modern art dealer in the 1950's and specialized in early 20th century European art.  Much of the art was considered Avant-garde at the time.  My art gallery was on the upper East side of New York City and I held many art shows there.  I was one of the first to display the artwork of pioneer women painters.  Frederick and I have donated many pieces of art to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
       The stone up there (pointing to the round gravemarker in back of her), was created by a woman sculptress in the Art Deco Style.  She is German and her name is Thea Tewi.  She was born in 1913 and came to America in 1930.  She was well known in the Modern Art Circles.


Presented May 22, 2004 by The Richmond Hill Historical Society, Maple Grove Cemetery, and The Immaculate Conception School of Jamaica Estates, NY (Dr. Charlene Jaffie, principal).

Copyright © 2004 Carl Ballenas & Nancy Cataldi.
No claim to Old Kew Gardens [.com] color photograph.