This picture was taken from today's Audley and Grenfell Streets. The road running across the picture in the distance is Lefferts Avenue (Boulevard) and beyond that are homes located in an area called Hayestown. Newtown Road (Kew Gardens Road) is at the top of the hill that runs off to the left. (Courtesy of the Man Family.)
"As the regular express trains now run from Maple Grove to Long island City in twelve minutes, of which more than half is consumed in passing through the long and complicated yards at Long Island City, it is fair to believe -- and the railroad people give their assurance that it is true -- that after the heavy grade and present crooked line have been eliminated as proposed, a passenger may take an electric train from the junction of Lefferts avenue with the railroad and be landed in the centre of the Island of Manhattan in fifteen minutes. This means that the section referred to will be nearer to the centre of activities in New York in point of time than the property on Fifth and Eighth avenues which front upon Central Park."
Quote from: "The Development of North Richmond Hill", The Richmond Hill Record [a local newspaper] (April 20, 1907).