"In honor of the late Surrogate Richard S. Newcombe, the Board of Aldermen adopted a resolution Tuesday to give the name, Richard S. Newcombe Square, to the triangular plot formed by the juncture of Grand Central Parkway and Queens Boulevard in front of the Kew Gardens Inn.
The resolution was sponsored by Alderman James A. Burke of Hollis. Newcombe, a Queens District Attorney died several years ago. He lived in Kew Gardens and was active in the Boy Scout movement. Camp Newcombe, the Boy Scout camp at Wadding River, was named for him.
Mayor LaGuardia's signature is required to make the plan effective.
Following a primary education in New York City public schools, Newcombe attended Phillips-Andover Academy and matriuculated at New York Law School. He was admitted to the bar in 1900 and began practice immediately. He became head of the law firm of Pressenger, Newcombe and Wigg.
In 1916, he was appointed Commissioner of Public Works and served two years. In 1923 he was elected District Attorney and was relected in 1925. Subsequently he became Surrogate of Queens County."
[Quote from: "Late Richard S. Newcombe's Name Is Memorialized in Kew Gardens", The Richmond Hill Record, p. 1 (Dec. 11, 1936).]