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Pictures dated c. 1900 and 2002
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The Kew Gardens
Improvement Association

By: Sylvia Hack (President) and
      Andrea Crawford (Membership Committee Chair)

If you live, work or own a business or property in Kew Gardens, you can share in this beautiful and architecturally historic community - your neighborhood.  Take this opportunity to join the Kew Gardens Improvement Association and be counted as a voice in a community determined to protect the quality of life in this unique village.  The Kew Gardens Improvement Association is a state chartered, tax exempt organization which was founded in 1970. It has been responsible for many of the improvements Kew Gardens, including:
  • Helping to establish more frequent L.I.R.R. service;
  • Spear heading the beautification and planting of Lefferts Blvd.;
  • Working with the Kew Gardens Civic Association to establish an early childhood annex for P.S. 99; and
  • Bringing a halt to the illegal construction on the site adjacent to the Annex.
We cannot take our community for granted. United we can successfully ensure the integrity of our neighborhood.  As a member of the Kew Gardens Improvement Association, you give your support in maintaining Kew Gardens as a welcome oasis in New York City.

[ To download a membership form, right click here. ]