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The Long Island Railroad Terminal
at 34th Street in Long Island City

Picture dated c. 1900
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"[A] section of Whitepot [Forest Hills], with Union Turnpike and Queens Boulevard as a center, was for a number of years called Hopedale.  In fact, it is only within the last year that a Hopedale Railway Station, located on the boulevard near the turnpike, was torn down."

The Forest Hills Bulletin, p. 1 (Dec. 13, 1924).
Are we there yet?

The Long Island Railroad first came to this area in July 1875, when it opened the Hopedale Station - named after a hamlet near today's Union Turnpike west of Queens Boulevard. Money for a new station house was contributed by the people of Richmond Hill and Whitepot (Forest Hills). The commute to New York was far different then. Before 1910, there were no East River tunnels to Manhattan. Commuters had to take a locomotive drawn train to Long Island City [see picture] and there board a ferry for the 30 minute ride to New Chambers or 34th Street.


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