Metropolitan Avenue
The black and white photograph shows a Brooklyn & Queens Transit Corp.
trolley on Metropolitan Avenue at Lefferts Boulevard in Kew Gardens, NY circa 1950. To view another photograph of a trolley on Metropolitan Avenue
click here.
[From the David Pirmann
Collection courtesy of Thanks to Rich Herman for locating this picture on the
nycsubway site.]
If you have pictures of yourself showing any Kew Gardens locale in the background, email me high resolution jpegs and I will post them here as space permits.
To download a copy of the
Queens Courier's Sept. 2003 article about Old Kew, click on one of the following links. Turn off your browser's auto-resize if the JPEG text appears too small to read.
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I was wondering if anyone had any old/new pictures of the Forest Park Apartments located on Metropolitan Ave. and Audley street. Also, does anyone have any pictures of The Hampton Court apartments? I really love this website, the pictures are just wonderful, I moved out of Queens about a year ago and my family and I never took pictures around the neighborhood. Thank you!
Name Withheld
July 28, 2004
I just discovered this site--how amazing! Back in late April, some folks mentioned the now-gone Anshe Shalom Cummunity Center on 116th Street. I went to Hebrew School there for five years--I could draw you floorplans to this day. I grew up in the house on the corner of Grosvenor Lane and 116th--we were right across the street from Ralph Bunche's house. Ours was a white frame colonial with a sun-porch and a backyard that adjoined the parking lot of the community center. I remember my parents had quite a fight with Rabbi Faber when Anshe Shalom decided to put in that lot, along with basketball hoops that drove my mother crazy. The previous owner of our house was a Mrs. Keller, a widow who was the original owner. The house was built in 1920. I went to PS 90, then PS 100, then got out of 9th grade at Russell Sage in 1963 ("It's My Party" was the big song that month.) My father sold the house to the developer who razed it--along with the community center--and put up the town homes. He sold that colonial for, I'm pretty sure, $22,000. I spent many an after-school hour eating pizza at Dani's up in "the Village," and chiselled garnets out of the big rock up in the woods on the other side of Park Lane South. What a nostalgia trip this is!
Steve Altman
[To contact Steve Altman, click here.]
July 27, 2004
[Editor's Note: This message has been moved to the Kitty Genovese Message Board.]
July 27, 2004
Liz Naar Sedaghatfar
July 26, 2004
I grew up in KG from 1950 to 1973. I do remember many of the sites - and the Salty dog. My parents still live there on 116th street. Still a pretty area.
Suzy Blanchard
July 25, 2004
graduated p.s.99 in the late 60's. went to school with lisa gussack,louise langer,bruse wasser,jordan brown,elise krenzel,gerri josephson,betty ellenberg,nicky hammaway,roger lewin,jerry schoenfeld,ariel dori,and mark schelbaum,paul rosenbeg{jose buchanan) and stuart me with any knowledge or where abouts of any of the above....thanks....ron klein
ronnie klein
July 25, 2004
Dear Name Withheld!
Have no fear: Barry's five-and-dime store has received numerous references in mails here from the dark past. It was the only hangout where we never dared to even LOOK at anything for too long without him peeking around the corner to see if we were going to steal something or not. As our now famous webmaster states, there are still places and people well-remmebered that have yet to be rediscovered - I've been through four shoe boxes of old photos and STILL don't have one of the Pastrami King...and, as far as supermarkets go, everyone's always talking about Bohack's, but IGA's at the corner of Austin and Leffert's never got the recognition it should have, especially Murray and Joe, the friendly butchers with cigars and blood-stained aprons.
Junior, the Gentle Giant that was always sent downstairs to get nails and stuff from the cellar, supposedly put up his own hardware store on Hillside Ave. later on, but I have no infos on this - just word of mouth. To us, he beared a remote resemblance to Lurch from the Addams Family...
So ya' see, we're still at it. Keep on rockin'!
Greetings from Switzerland,
Pete xxx
P.S. What Barry DID have was an awesome collection of Hallowe'en masks. In three successive years, I was transformed into Dracula, Frankenstein and King Kong. Nowadays, I don't even NEED a mask to look like that. Goes to show how time flies...
Peter J. Mueller
July 24, 2004
Do not get me wrong...this is a wonderful website...but can it REALLY be the definitive Kew Gardens website without a mention of:
Mr. B's 5 & 10 cents store
Where is Junior?
Name Withheld
[Editor's Note: Actually, there are a lot of people and places that should be mentioned here as well that I just haven't been able to find any old images of. That doesn't mean I've given up on them. This web site is still a work in progress. Furthermore, there's always the chance that someone out there who has something worthwhile will find out about Old Kew and be inspired to submit it.]
July 24, 2004
My Grandparents lived on Lefferts near Metropolitan. Their names were Lee and Sam Wohl and were very involved with Hadasa in the 70's. Curious if anyone knew them and perhaps have any pictures? The apartment building I believe was south of Metro (direction going away from PS99). It was on a corner and I remember the outside came to a narrow point at the street (Lefferts side). Across from the building on Lefferts was a small housing property with several single car garages.. They lived on the 6th floor (I think!) in the corner Apt facing Lefferts and the side street.
Details are sketchy as I was only 6 years old when I left NY in the mid 70's. I remember clearly going to Bernieland to get egg creams and matchbox cars. Anyone remember Joe Peppertones Butcher shop on Metropolitan and 118th?
Name Withheld
[To contact this person, click here.]
July 21, 2004
Click on images to enlarge.
[To contact Marion Schild, click here.]
July 20, 2004
I am enjoying the give-and-take about Beverly and 83rd. It is fun to learn new facts about my family's former (and favorite)home. I didn't realize there was life before the Ein home was built!! Does anyone have photographs of Beverly Road in the 1940's, early 50's?
When we left KG in 1964, I continued having dreams at night about the house. I always thought that I was just living in the past by thinking about KG all the time. Reading posts on this site, I realize that KG was a special place for many people, and that even the "Ein" house was significant to others in the neighborhood. I am pleased to know that our home had a share in the happy memories of other KG residents.
I am still trying to find my former neighbor (across the street on Beverly) and friend, Frances Schorr. She has a sister, Nina, who - last I heard - was living in Israel. If anyone has information, please contact me.
Joyce Ein Dilman
[To contact Joyce Ein Dilman, click here.]
July 19, 2004
[To contact Alan Linsky, click here.]
July 18, 2004
Re Alan Linsky's June 16/04 email, I want to thank him for sharing his thoughts about the inhabitants of the Beverly Rd & 83rd area. His info is more accurate than mine, and shows how our memories are glossed. The fourth corner at that intersection I believe was a Bohack person--all of which goes to show how affluent and well-placed the local residents of much of KG were at the time. The father of the Polay boys--Richard was a friend of mine--for example, took the LIRR down the hill off lefferts to his workplace in midtown Manhatten every morning--an office of his women's garment manufactory in Phila. I think I remember you Alan--I have an extraordinary visual memory for faces out of the past, even minor acquaintances. But of course I would need to see a photo of you from this period to confirm my memory.
Best regards.
Matthew Speier
[To contact Matthew Speier, click here.]
July 17, 2004
I attended PS 99 from 1949-1953 for K-3rd grade, then went to PS 196 when it was built, as I lived in Forest Hills. Alas, I have no pictures from PS 99, but it was great to look at these!
Judy Selden
[To contact Judy Selden, click here.]
July 16, 2004
Hello Joe, Hi Fellow KG'ers!
Thought I might drop a few lines to let you know all is still okay here in Switzerland (I'm on my well-deserved Summer vacation.)
Upon an inquiry I received about why I was born at Mary Immaculate in Jamaica and not at Kew Gardens Hospital, even though we lived on Austin Street - the simple answer is that I was born Ceasarian and KG Hospital simply didn't DO those kind of jobs in 1957 (I will gladly accept any contradictions to this so I can give my old lady Hell. Thanks in advance.) Add to that the fact that KGH usually waited for your family doctor to show up before doing anything, and I suppose by the time they would've gotten Sydney Manners (everyone's favorite medical expert next to Dr. Doolittle) off the sandtrap at the 15th hole, I would've been 10 years old by the time he would've arrived. So, a big thank you to Dr. V. Conti for doing a textbook example of getting me out of my Mom's belly, as he did with brother Bill three years earlier. The resulting adhesions that Mom still has are exciting to look at and remotely resemble a portion of the NYC subway map around Flatbush Ave. Photos only upon ! request (she's a bit shy.)
Sydney Manners, M.D. was the one and only; unique in the fact that he could actually make you believe you were sick when he did house calls just by entering the apartment, because his eau de cologne was so antiseptic. His black bag was filled with the most interesting items I had ever seen since reading about the Inquisition: the stethoscope was so freezing cold that when he stuck it on you and told you to take a deep breath, you couldn't HELP but take a deep breath - the problem was trying to exhale afterwards (thank you Bill Cosby for letting me steal this joke off of "Medic" from his 1960's classic LP: "I Started Out As A Child".) His injections were a class of their own. If I ever had a fear of needles, he made them disappear at first strike with the sheer brutal force and precision he had. To this day, I still wonder why we kids were stupid enough to really believe there was a little birdie outside the window that we were supposed to look at while he was targeting in on! whatever biceps we had like a dartboard. There you were, in your pyjamas, desperately trying to find some sort of flying creature he was talking to you about when all of a sudden, WHAMMO. The tears only subsided when you crawled out of bed to eavesdrop on the ensuing conversation, when he would tell Mom how long you were allowed to stay home from school. And when you counted the days and found out that a weekend was included in it, the joy was all the greater. Thus, the villain became the hero once again.
Jay's reminiscences of the Austin Theatre were side-splitting and give a great insight into this National Institution way before my time, and also before I had to find out that they later also specialized in "those other kind" of classic movies. I do remember the balcony with its comfortable sofas and some folks even drinking beer and smoking upstairs during a showing of "Bridge Over the River Kwai". Much, much more memorable, however, was the premiere of "Having A Wild Weekend" with The Dave Clark Five at the RKO, where they actually appeared onstage during the break, and my Mom took my arm and forced me to wave at them, almost dislocating my shoulder in the process. The reward, a wonderful Butterscotch Triple-Scoop at Jahn's, was the closing of a great day.
35 years later of water under the bridge after my moving here, we are still the best community Queens ever saw. I doubt if modern man is capable of recreating a greater sense of humanity, pride, fun and joy we all shared, with respect towards each other's differences, than we did in this microcosmos of mankind.
Hugs & kisses to all my ex-schoolmates, teachers, and a big MOO from the cows across the street to everyone.
Yrs, Pete xoxo
P.S. I forgot to wash off the chalk marks on the sidewalk from our last game of hopscotch, ca. February 2nd, 1970. If anyone finds a keychain on Number Five, would they please donate it to the Local Museum For Irrelevant KG Artifacts c/o The Editor. Dankeschoen.
P.P.S. To the great political sideswipe: Woody took the melody of "This Land Is Your Land" from The Carter Family's overlooked gem: "When The World's On Fire" (a fitting title for today's planet...), and they in turn stole it from...(repeat ad nauseum)
Peter J. Mueller
July 15, 2004
Jay Roger's story of Eddie French will live with me till the end of my days. I lived across the tracks from where this squatting space was on the lower end of Cuthbert Road, two door from Michael Spett's family. We used to watch with excitement as fire trucks came to put out the numerous bush fires that occurred along side the tracks. I never thought of the possibility of arson. Just the majic of fire. I also never knew about the black community. As a child, Kew Gardens, for me, was one step from heaven. There was no poverty, no community problems. I grew up with a nanny whose mother had been a slave. From a very early age I understood about the plight of Black people...just not in Kew Gardens! Kew Gardens was just nearly perfect. Jay's words have given me a lot of thought.
I too remember Matron very well. I was too scared of her and her flash light to challenge her authoirty. She was something else!
I mother taught math at Grover Cleveland HS on the border of Brooklyn. For many years she took the trolly to school and then they took out the tracks and she got a car...the luxury of a good working woman.
Good reading the last weeks. Thanks to all.
Marianne Lods
[To contact Marianne Lods, click here.]
July 15, 2004
Click on image to enlarge.
July 14, 2004
In response to Jay Rogers' photos, I was in Miss Seabury's seventh grade homeroom class, and in Miss Goldberg's eighth grade math class -- both were spinsters. I remember Miss Goldberg and Miss Oshman walking down Kew Gardens Road from school most days to have their lunch at Gussie's, the candy store on 84th Road across from Talbot Street where I lived at 83-64 from 1943 to 1960. An ice cream cone cost ten cents, twelve cents with sprinkles. The AUSTEN THEATRE cost twelve cents for which we were entertained with two movies, the NEWS, a cartoon, and a serial. The serial was only shown on Saturday afternoon -- my favorite was "BLACK WHIP." Candy from the vending machine cost $. 25.
Does anyone know who has the movie made in Kew Gardens in the forties?
Marion Schild
[To contact Marion Schild, click here.]
July 14, 2004
The Austin Theatre circa 1948
When I was around 12 years old, going to the Saturday afternoon matinee at the Austin was a lot more than just seeing a movie. Anybody remember any of this?
A ticket cost 12� if you could pass for a 12 year old or younger. The big kids had to pay 25�. One of the great advantages of being small. What we got for the 12� were two movies, the featured film and a "B" movie; the "March of Time" or "Movietone News"; a cartoon and, sometimes the best part, the next part of the "Serial".
A Serial was a 10 part action thriller that left the hero hanging or obviously dead each week. You just had to come back next week for the next installment and see how he survived. My favorite was "The Black Commando". (At the time, "Black" was not a term used to describe anybody�s skin color). The Black Commando wore a black sweat suit as a costume. After the movies, we went home and played "Black Commando" Kenny Klegg took the title roll, the rest of us had to be the bad guys. Kenny got to hit everybody that way. It was one of his passions. He ran around shouting "Dench, Dench". (OK, you really had to be there).
The entertainment was not all on the screen. We had a Matron. Her job was to maintain order. She wore a white canvas work dress, was strong, had a flashlight and went after anybody who talked, walked, moved or otherwise created a nuisance. It quickly became our sworn duty to defy her and not get caught.
Actually, going to the movies cost a total of 17�. 5� was for candy. There was a candy machine in the lobby. If the movie was very good, it was Goldberg�s Peanut Chews. If the movie was otherwise, Good & Plenty�s. Good & Plenty�s are little licorice capsules with a hard sugar coating, pink or white, that came in a card board box. We would eat half of them and throw the rest, one at a time. A Good & Plenty was the very best thing to throw. When the box was finally empty, one end was carefully torn off to produce a kazoo like musical instrument. You just had to blow in the open end.
Any adult who went to a Saturday matinee more than once was not too bright.
Jay Rogers
[To contact Jay Rogers, click here.]
July 14, 2004
Click on images to enlarge.
[To contact Alex, click here.]
July 14, 2004
I have just recently put up a picture of Mrs. Gertrude Goldberg, 8th grade teacher in PS99, 1948. Mrs Goldberg was in charge of the Crossing Guards. We remember her as being very strict. Actually, she respected her students and we had great respect for her. Maybe some reader will remember this exchange. Mrs Goldberg, suddenly interrupting herself: "LINDA!! ARE YOU CHEWING GUM?" All eyes turn to Linda. Linda, eyes going wide: "(GULP) (GAG) No Mrs Goldberg."
Jay Rogers
[To contact Jay Rogers, click here.]
July 14, 2004
Speaking of famous people, supposedly Doris Roberts from "Everyone Loves Raymond" used to live in 83-43 or 83-57 118th Street, I have been unable to confirm this though.
Ron Signore
[To contact Ron Signore, click here.]
July 14, 2004
July 14, 2004
I haven't been to this site in awhile, so I was very pleasantly surprised to see you've added so much stuff. I loved the non-partisan political cartoon. If you haven't seen it go to that link. It's hysterical. I also enjoyed the pictures of The Austin Book Store. Sorry to hear about the death of Bernie Titowsky. When my kids were very little I would haunt the place looking for kids' books. I got some great old children's books there. Also I enjoyed seeing the information about that strange man Frenchie. What a sad story.
It seems that a lot of famous people have lived in Kew Gardens. When I lived in Kew Gardens from 1977-1986 I had no idea that I was living in Jerry Springer's apartment house. Now I'm wondering if he had lived across the street from me when I lived in The Texas from 1959-1965.
You know I was born in Brooklyn and moved to Kew Gardens when I was 15, but I still consider it my hometown.
Barbara Levine Ehrentreu
[To contact Barbara Levine Ehrentreu, click here.]
July 13, 2004
Thanks so much for constructing this site. It is very impressive and exciting. I revisit Kew Gardens periodically and still think the walk from my apartment in Kent Manor to school was long, and the hill up to P.S.99 steep.I will look through my pictures to see what I can contribute. In the meantime please add my last name to the pictures of 1954 grade 2-3 (1st row)and 1956 grade 4-2. I welcome correspondence.
Nina Simon
July 13, 2004
Loved seeing the picture of the Metroplitan Avenue trolley and Nick's Deli in the background.
Nick had the best macaroni salad with just the right amount of mayo. He also sold hard rolls that I wish I could find the equal of today.The rolls were crunchy on the outside and soft inside.I can still see Nick with his white apron adding up the bill on the paper bag.
Speaking of food does anyone remember the name of the little restaurant on the northwest side of Lefferts Blvd over the LIRR tracks where you could pick up a small bag of delicious French Fries on your way back to PS 99 after lunch. Or Myers Candy store on Metropolitan east of Lefferts?
Seems like food was a biggie in our young lives.
Paul Waldeck
[To contact Paul Waldeck, click here.]
July 13, 2004
On July 10,the FHHS class of 1954 had its 50th reunion.
Some of the KG/PS 99 alums who were there with me were- Miriam Wanderer, Ruth Abenheim, Eva Schwarz, Roger Rosengarten, Marjorie Mottus and Rhoda Moskowitz. (My apologies if I inadvertantly left out someone.)
It was great getting re-acquainted with so many from a wonderful past.
Paul Waldeck
[To contact Paul Waldeck, click here.]
July 12, 2004
The July Guestbook photo that includes the trolley has, in the background, two business establishments. Prosperity Cleaners, where you had to wait forever for them to find your dry cleaning, and Nick (the Greek's) Deli, where you could buy almost everything sold in a supermarket. Nick would write the prices of each item in black crayon on the outside of the brown bag into which he eventually placed the items. He would then add everything and tell you your total. No cash register or register tapes for Nick!
Franklin J. Goldberg
[To contact Franklin J. Goldberg, click here.]
July 12, 2004
What memories from the picture of the Metropolitan Avenue trolley. My mother used to take my brother and me to Williamsburg to visit our grandparents on that trolley. In the background of the picture is Prosperity Cleaners, where my friend Eugenia Esposito's mother worked and Nick's Deli. One year Eugenia and I got to decorate the window of Prosperity for Christmas. We used spray snow and stencils. That was a big treat for me, since we didn't celebrate Christmas.
Lynn Silverstein
[To contact Lynn Silverstein, click here.]
July 12, 2004
I have a receipt from a Franken Pharmacy, 82-60 Austin St, at the R.R. Station . It is dated 2/18/55. Copy attached.
Peter Schiftan
[To contact Peter Schiftan, click here.]
Click on thumbnail to enlarge.
July 9, 2004
Hello Paul Waldeck.
I just found this wonderful site. Joe is doing a great job. I'll be putting up some 50 year old Troop & Post 15 Boy Scout pictures. Maybe Joe could start another folder. So: After half a century, what's doing?
Jay Rogers
[To contact Jay Rogers, click here.]
July 9, 2004
Antonio Z�
July 8, 2004
I love this. I grew up in Kew Gardens and just finally moved in 2003. Thank you for making this website it really keeps the memories alive and well!!!
Orisa Winley
July 7, 2004
Looking through the PS 99 photos that were from the 2nd grade class of 1962..Seated from the far left the young ladies name is Karen Kosmoka
David Silfen
July 7, 2004
Looking for old friends from Kew Gardens. I went to PS99 from 1963-1970. Then Sage and Hillcrest.
marla Rothstein (Civitano)
July 5, 2004
Paul: I don't know if you are the same Paul Waldeck who went to Forest Hills High School with me. I knew you had moved to the Boston area, but did not know you were into scuba diving. If you are that Paul Waldeck, please send me an e-mail.
Al Shapiro
[To contact Al Shapiro, click here.]
July 3, 2004
Grew up in the Lefferts House and when I was younger(age under 5) we had a Nanny who took me and my sister to visit our Father in his office in Williamsburg,Brooklyn. We would get the trolly at Lefferts and Metro and take to long ride to Bridge Plaza Brooklyn. I hope my sister remembers this. I do. My Father would take us to a store under the el in Williamsburg for a Charlotte rouse and then the ride back home with Georgia. What a great memory.
Linda Widder Wiesner
[To contact Linda Widder Wiesner, click here.]
July 1, 2004
Wow. This really makes me feel old when I see my 4th grade class picture from 1962. I used to live with my parents at 103 Onslow in the late fifties and early sixties. After my grandmother passed we moved into a house my dad was raised in at 259 Brevoort Street. I moved to the Chicago area in 1978.
Harold C. "Sandy" Menger, Jr.
[To contact Harold C. "Sandy" Menger, Jr., click here.]
July 1, 2004
Click on image to enlarge.
[To contact Marc Pitanza, click here.]
July 1, 2004
[Ed.'s Note: The reason each guest book posting does not appear here immediately is that I review each message individually before posting to eliminate spam or unwanted adult content. Email me if you want to make a correction to a message you have already posted or if you would like a message removed.]
How to contact Guestbook signers
Some Guestbook signers choose not to publish their email addresses. If you wish to contact one of them, send me an email identifying the guestbook signer you wish to contact and giving me the date his or her message was posted. Your email to me must contain your full name, and may also include anything else you wish to tell the signer. I will forward your email to the Guestbook signer you wish to contact, but with no cc or bcc to you. It will be the signer's decision whether or not to make contact with you. Any emails which contain spam, adult content, or appear suspect for any other reason will not be forwarded. ~The Editor.