Pictures dated c. 1925 and 2004
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The Kew Hall Apartments
These photographs show the Kew Hall Apartments on Talbot Street at Lefferts Boulevard.
If you have pictures of yourself showing any Kew Gardens locale in the background, email me high resolution jpegs and I will post them here as space permits.
To download a copy of the
Queens Courier's Sept. 2003 article about Old Kew, click on one of the following links. Turn off your browser's auto-resize if the JPEG text appears too small to read.
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I was born and raised in Kew Gardens and have many fond memories of the neighborhood. I lived in the Georgian house on 84th avenue for 25 years. What a building! Since I lived south of Metropolitan avenue, I went to PS 90, JHS 210 and Richmond Hill HS. Remember Bodners candy store on the corner of Lefferts and Metropolitan? Or how about Ziggys?? Those were the days when you could ride your bike with your friends to the "big park" on Park Lane South and wait for Frankie the Good Humor Man for the nickel Whammies. Or how about Dani's or Lydias Pizza. I'll never forget all of the fond memories and friends I had growing up in Kew Gardens.
Matthew Shebes
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1960 - 1987
[To contact Matthew Shebes, click here.]
November 21, 2004
Sitting at my brothers house he showed me this site. It brought back many wonderful memories. I'm living in Suffern, NY and look forward to hearing from many of you.
Ellen Feigelis (Ellish)
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1950 - 1970
[email protected]
November 12, 2004
I really am sorry I missed the class of '58 reunion. The pictures you've posted are the best. It looks like everyone had a great time and renewed some great friendships. I guess we all, even those who did not attend, have to thank Franklin Goldberg for all he did to pull off the event of the year! (Honestly, I didn't think that the reunion would actually come to be. I've learned my lesson--hopefully.) By the by, I love the new, upgraded look and contents of the website.
Bonnie Silvers
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1953 - 1971
Graduated P.S. 99: 1958
[To contact Bonnie Silvers, click here.]
November 12, 2004
I have lived here in Kew Gardens for 20 years and have been entranced by its charm and English country atmosphere. I hope the current trend of greedy developers tearing down what is beautiful and putting up what is ugly just for the sake of profit can be reversed or halted. I have brought up my two children here. I did not go to PS 99, but both my daughters graduated from 99, my older daughter in1999 and my younger one in 2003.
Renee Tone
November 11, 2004
I was glancing through the photos of the 1958 reunion when I chanced on the picture of Minou Hakimi. Minou, if you are out there, I would love to hear from you, my former next-door neighbor from 83rd Avenue. Please tell me about your brother, Johnny. How many hours Johnny and I played together. He was one year ahead of me and taught me the ABC's when I was in kindergarten.
All the best,
Joyce Ein Dilman
[To contact Joyce Ein Dilman, click here.]
November 9, 2004
Thanks for creating and maintaining this site .I enjoy reading about my old "stomping ground",Kew Gardens.I particularly found it amusing to view the pictures of the recent reunion.They were great.I heard that the whole weekend was a big success, and alot of fun.I hope that there will be another function on Oct. 8th, 2005. That is the night that the R.H.H.S.class of '65 is getting together at a hotel in Queens.Perhaps someone could begin to make plans for that soon?Thanks again for all of the hard work that is devoted to making this site so wonderful.
Edi Beckler Goldberg
November 8, 2004
Click on image to enlarge.
November 7, 2004
I came to live in Kew Gardens when my parents bought a house on Park Lane. Subsequently, I married, and my first wife and I purchased a house on Curzon Road between 117 and 118 sts. After my mother died in 2000, I inherited the house, and in 2004 my present wife Avia and I moved in after selling the house on Curzon Road. I inherited a cooperative apartment in the Curzon House, 118 Street and Curzon Road, in addition to the cooperative I purchased myself. I have a daughter Jennifer from my first marriage, who grew up in Kew Gardens. This is my third marriage, and we have lived in Kew Gardens 28 of the past 30 years. I have gone away to school, yet I always return to Kew Gardens, as I did 2 years after I married my first wife Suzanne. Kew Gardens will always be a part ofd us, and we enjoy the days we live here.
Ralph A. Fodor
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1959 - 1974, 1976 - present
[To contact Ralph A. Fodor, click here.]
November 7, 2004
I lived in Kent Manor, now called something else-as it has become condos. We lived in B building with my parents, now both gone. We love to play in the park, and when we were brave enough-we visited "Dead Man's Rock". It was as great place to grow up. Now I live in Tucson, Arizona-where life for my children is very different.
Debra Tobin AKA Debbie Levine
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1959 - 1976
Graduated P.S. 99: 1971
November 6, 2004
Steven Sobelsohn
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1962 - 2004
Graduated P.S. 99: 1974
[To contact Steven Sobelsohn, click here.]
November 4, 2004
Thank you for producing one of the most addicting sites on the web. Its like walking down memory lane. I lived at 83-26 Lefferts until 1963 then moved to 83-47 Abingdon Rd. My mother sold the abingdon house about six years ago. PS 90, Sage then RHHS ('65). I have seen the names of so many old friends. Some mentioned by other visitors and some by their own postings. I keep looking for Kevin Gordon or Paul LOckner with whom I played kid. I saw andrew Newman's postings. Thea Saul lived downstairs, I was friends with her older brother Marshal. Howard Scheinman also lived below and was good friends with my brother Ken. The pictuires he sent Ken were forwarded to me. Great memory. Great site!! I will continue to follow it. I'd love to see a picture of the house at 83-47 Abingdon. You have already posted Tessie Bergen's accross the street (83-26) and the old Schwalbe house next door.
Rod Nalven
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1947 - 1974
November 4, 2004
Local historian Ron Marzlock has an article in the latest edition of The Queens Chronicle about the history of the Civic Virtue statue at Union Turnpike and Queens Boulevard in Kew Gardens. Click here to read it. The article will open in a new window. Close out the window to return here.
November 4, 2004
I grew up with fond memories of Kew Gardens. I lived there during the bad times (Kitty Genovese) and when JFK was assasinated and the good times-made many friends and became a man before moving to Manhattan in 1964. Lived on Austin Street at 80th Road. Enjoyed Forest Park. Had braces put on my teeth by Dr. Glassover.
Mike Oberlander
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1955 - 1964
Transferred from P.S. 99 to Kew Forest School in 1960
November 1, 2004
Click on image to enlarge.
November 1, 2004
Click on image to enlarge.
November 1, 2004
finding this site was a fabulous gift. Just a few names and memories from the past. The candy store on the bridge next to Franks Barber shop was called Giskins. As a matter of fact Rodney Dangerfield was friendly with their oldest son. My father owned a laundry store on Austin Street. The name of the drug store on Austin near the station was frankels. Reading the names of the old teachers brought back great memories. Mr. Ellenport took us out to the school yard to play. Speaking of the school yard do thes names sound familiar. Stan Muroff, Frank Dischman, Paul Neuss , Manny omex, Jerry Portnoy, Peter Lawrence, Bill Bondi, Larry Razler, Larry London, Steveie Kamberg, Lenny Marans, Rudy Schmidt, Mike Spett Lenny Bernikow. I could go on forever but to most people this wpould be boring. When I grew up in kew gardens the smell of burning leaves will always be part of my life especially in the fall.The Homestead Deli was owned by the Koster family.Koopmans was the florist. The Homestead Hotel was a high class residence, During the summer the town was filled with many famous trainer and jockeys from the race tracks, for example does anyone remember the Renick family hat were jockeys.In those days we called the basketball court in the park near the parks dept office the overlook I could reminice forever , At the pesent time I live in Piermont N.Y.My Name is Lenny Ginsberg, I graduated from P.S,99 in 1949 and from F.H H.S in 1953. Hope to hear from some old friends
Lenny Ginsberg
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1935 - 1958
Graduated P.S. 99: 1949
November 1, 2004
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