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Pictures dated c. 1920 and 2003
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Beverly Road
Two houses on the south side of Beverly Road between Lefferts Boulevard and Brevoort Street.

If you have pictures of yourself showing any Kew Gardens locale in the background, email me high resolution jpegs and I will post them here as space permits.

To download a copy of the Queens Courier's Sept. 2003 article about Old Kew Gardens.com, click on one of the following links. Turn off your browser's auto-resize if the JPEG text appears too small to read.

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May 2005 Guest Book

May 30, 2005 - 11:40 AM
Editor's Note: I've just added one more picture to the end of the Talbot Street Slideshow.

May 29, 2005
Click on thumbnail to view slideshow.
CLICK TO ENLARGE. Your Talbot Street slide show inspired me to look through old family photos for anything that I could add. It seems that everyday sights weren't deemed especially worth capturing and most of our photos are of family gatherings or vacations. However, I did find a few good ones that you might consider posting.
Bill Lehman
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1945 - 1969
Graduated P.S. 99: 1957
Visit Bill's Boston University Medical Campus Web Page.
[To contact Bill Lehman, click here]

May 28, 2005
[To contact Richard Konigsberg, click here]

May 26, 2005
Lenny Bloch from Austin Street 1956-1974 here, pining for a connection with old pals from "The Park", PS 99, The KG Train station, and other assorted relics of our past!
Lenny Bloch
Assistant PD
1515 Broadway 40th Floor
New York, NY 10036
"Without music, life would be a mistake".
[Friedrich Nietzsche]
Lived in Kew Gardens: 56 - 74
Graduated P.S. 99: 1967

May 26, 2005
    The Yeshiva that was built on Metropolitan Avenue at the corner of 124th Street -- is on the property that once was the site of our old house.
    The first year we moved into the house, there were still trolleys operating on the tracks that were torn down the following year to make way for buses. The people we bought it from left a lot of memorabilia behind including piano rolls for a player piano (wish I had them today) and books.
    Many of my family members are buried in Maple Grove. My grandparents had a home (Dutch colonial) at the corner of Lefferts and Abingdon -- there are garden apartments on the site. My grandparents bought the house from a dentist who had his practice there. I went with them when they first looked at the house. It had wonderful features -- pocket doors, claw footed tubs, marble sinks, beautiful woodwork and 20 rooms. My grandfather (who had been a dentist in Germany) and came to the USA at age 59, took care of the house and shoveled coal into the furnace. I was always excited when the coal delivery came -- I found the filling of the coal bins highly entertaining. He also had a beautiful magnolia tree on the property in which he took great pride.
    I went to FHHS and Queens College. Love your website and check it frequently.
Gabriele Libbey
[To contact Gabriele Libbey, click here]

Victorian Tea
May 20, 2005
    The Richmond Hill Historical Society with The Forest Park Trust, Inc. proudly presents "Afternoon Tea", on Sunday, June 5th, 2005, from 3 - 5 pm at Oak Ridge Mansion in Forest Park, Woodhaven, off Park Lane South and Forest Parkway or the Forest Parkway exit of The Jackie Robinson Parkway.
    Selections of teas and large variety of homemade items, special delicacies, elegant decor, live harp music and a prize for the prettiest hat.
    Tickets are $12.00 and must be purchased in advance. Seating is limited, so please reserve early. No tickets can be sold the day of the event. Please call 718-847-6070 to make reservations
Nancy cataldi
(President, Richmond Hill Historical Society)

More Poetry and Music
May 20, 2005
Just to let everybody know------the next poetry and music night at the Bliss will take place on Friday,June 3rd at 7"30 P.M.
Aaron Adler
[To contact Aaron Adler, click here]

Editor's Note: The Bliss cafe is located at 83-60 Austin Street by the Long Island Railroad station House.

Ralph Bunche House Landmarked
May 18, 2005
Editor's Note: The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission today voted to landmark the former Ralph Bunche house on Grosvenor Road. The following link will open in a new window. Close out the window to return here. Thanks to Peter Schiftan for the heads up on the story.

Click here to read the full story

KGCC Recital
May 18, 2005
As you may have read on p. 18 of the [Kew gardens Civic Association] Newsletter, the Kew Gardens Community Center now has its very own chorus with Nelly Vuksic, director, and Cesar Vuksic at the piano. The group which has grown to about 23 members will be holding its first recital on May 24, at 1 p.m. at the Community Center. The program includes folk and traditional songs from around the world. A local cable TV company will cover the event and will run a 1-hour documentary on channels 34 and 35 at the end of June or in early July. Do try and attend if you can (coffee and cake will be served) and see what great strides the Community Center, under the leadership of Lucille Bruto, is making in providing a first-class learning experience for community residents.
Murray Berger
Kew Gardens Civic Association
[To contact Murray Berger, click here]

Memorial Day Parade
May 15, 2005
HI EVERYONE! Please join the Richmond Hill Historical Society on Sunday . May 29th 2005 at 11.30 am to march in the Memorial Day Parade down Metropolitan Avenue. All are welcome! Bring the kids. Meet us at the corner of Metropolitan and Ascan Avenues. Hope to see you there! Email me if you have any questions!
Nancy Cataldi
(President, Richmond Hill Historical Society)

May 15, 2005
I live in KG from '62-'65, on Metropolitan ave, at 118th St. I went to Russell Sage and graduated from there. I used to play ball in Overlook park. I went to Anshe Sholom temple and got bar mitzvahed from there. Would enjoy hearing from any old friends. I found this site by surfing.
Hayden Morris
[To contact Hayden Morris, click here]

May 15, 2005
Hi,     I loved your site. I just spent 2 hours reading it and catching up with old old friends . I'm glad to read that I'm not the only one who thought growing up in Kew Gardens was a picture book childhood. I was disappointed you didn't have a picture of my old house- 119 Mowbray Place. When I lived there it was still Mowbray Place or 82 Drive. It was big old house with a huge garden next to it, where we'd play baseball with our friends, right down the hill from PS 99. I remember sledding down that hill- and the long climb back up.
    I went to PS 99 only until third grade- when my parents sent my sister and me to yeshiva. My oldest sister, Diana, went there until about 1960.
    We lived in Kew Gardens from about 1955 until 1970 when we moved to Israel. That was culture shock! We used to go the Kew Gardens synagogue.
    I really miss the snow in winter, actually for about a day, I miss it.
    I live on a kibbutz just south of Jerusalem, with my husband, 4 kids and cat. Any old Kew Gardeners passing through the Holy Land are welcome to contact me.
Susie Aziz (now Susie Pam)

May 14, 2005
Fantastic site. I found a couple of folks on here and through the Richmond Hill links. I never thought I'd hear from these people again, thanks to the kewgardens web we are hooking up again. Lived in Richmond Hill/Kew Gardens area, first on 124 St between Metropolitan and 85th Ave. Later on Austin Street just before it dips under Union Tpke. Looking for classmates of HCJ class of 66 grade 8-1 and anyone else from "our gang". My sister Diane also attended class of 63. As of now I only know the whereabouts of Katy Zabrocki and Al Urbelis. Sadly found out today that classmate Jack Maple, former Deputy Police Commissioner of NYC had passed away in 2001.
Bob Merchant
Dates lived in neighborhood 1952 - 1974
[To contact Bob Merchant, click here]

May 13, 2005
Hi, my name is Kathleen (Gargiulo) Kelley. I lived in Kew Gardens and I loved it there. I always was in Forest Hills park with all my friends, hung out at the pizza place on lefferts blvd. near the L.I. Railroad. I attended P.S. 99. and just recently spoke to an old friend who told me about the site. I love it and it brought back found memories. I am in touch with some of my former friends from Kew Gardens and it brings back alot of thoughts. Anybody who remembers me, please, email me. I live in Lake Worth, Florida and have been here in Florida for 31 years.
[To contact Kathleen (Gargiulo) Kelley, click here]

May 13, 2005
    Hi! I just wanted to commend you on your site! I found your site through a search with Google for Kitty Genovese. Due to the claims that others have had problems with spam due to posting on your site, I do not mind if you post my message, but I would like to keep my email address confidential. Thank you!!
    I am not from New York, however, I find your site very comprehensive and highly engaging! I am thoroughly pleased in your articles regarding Kitty Genovese specifically, as that is the cause of me finding your site.
    Although, after searching through the rest of your site, I found other topics that interest me very much, for example, regional, human, and architectural histories. I am mesmerized by all the pictures-- especially past and recent comparisons/contrasts-- of the homes and land of Kew Gardens. I am impressed with the various architectural styles found in Kew Gardens, and I am also impressed with how some of the houses are not just still standing but remain lovingly kept.
    Thank you for your informational and educational site! When I have the chance to visit New York, I will keep Kew Gardens in my 'wish to visit' list. :)
Best wishes!
[To contact Joy, click here]

1915 Newspaper Advertisements
May 12, 2005
Click on thumbnail to enlarge.
CLICK TO ENLARGE. Editor's Note: Thanks to local Richmond Hill historian, Carl Ballenas, for this scan of 1915 newspaper advertisements for three Kew Gardens shops. Those businesses are long gone, but at least two of the stores remain.

Kim and Candy's Kew Gardens Get Together
May 12, 2005
Candy Henschel & Kim Henschellook forward to reuniting with old friends :-)
Kew Gardens
PLEASE RSVP so we can let the people at DANI's know how many to expect for our get together.
Take Care & We look forward to seeing yas soon :-)

May 9, 2005
My name when I lived in Kew Gardens was Hermine Sobelsohn. I lived at 124 Audley Street from 1962 to 1989. My children all went to PS 99. My son, David sent me your website. I love the pictures.
Hermine Gladstone
[To contact Hermine Gladstone, click here]

Kew Gardens Post Office for Sale
May 5, 2005
Editor's Note: Anyone who checked the guestbook last April 1st would have seen an Editor's Note reporting that the Long Island Rail Road station house was to become the new Kew Gardens Post Office. The note was bogus. I made it up as an April Fool's joke. So, you can imagine how stunned, shocked and amazed I was to read in the current edition of the
Queens Chronicle newspaper that the Kew Gardens Post Office is in fact a privately owned building and that it is up for sale to developers. If it does get sold and the Post Office is evicted, no one know where in Kew Gardens the Post Office can relocate. There does not seem to be any other location big enough. Stay tuned. (Thanks to Pete Schiftan for the heads up.) The following link will open in a new window. Close out the window to return here.
Click here to read the full story

Regents Row Update
May 5, 2005
The temporary plywood fencing around the old Regents Row construction site has come down so we can now see what has been done. The former restaurant has been subdivided into two stores. The smaller store occupies what used to be the bar area. It has a "For Rent" sign. The larger store occupies what used to be the dining room and the sign out front says that the new occupant will be "Singa's Famous Pizza" - conveniently located right across the street from Dani's Pizzeria.

May 3, 2005
I was saddened to read of the demise of Regents Row. It was a great Bar and Grill but life goes on. I remember when that section of Lefferts Blvd in the 1950's /60's was occupied by The Kew Gardens Outlet Shop,(A Women's Clothing shop) then heading south, the Peter Pan Bakery( Before it moved to Forrest Hills) Ant the Bohack's Supermarket. The Bohack Family lived on Beverly Road in the house on the southeast corner at 83rd Ave. My brother stan and I played with the Bohack kids there.
Walter A Ulasinski
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1953 - 1979
Graduated P.S. 99: 1965
[To contact Walter A Ulasinski, click here]

May 1, 2005
Click on thumbnails to view photographs.
CLICK TO ENLARGE.CLICK TO ENLARGE.This is Marilyn Glass, 1958 graduating class of PS99. I am happily second married since 1981and have two grown daughters and two grandsons.
    I've been through alot in my 64 years and am trying to map out a satisfying life for myself. My husband works as a computer programmer manager. I don't work. I belong to writing groups-I consider myself a serious writier of short stories but only started a year and a half ago after my thyroidectomy. I am the Volunteer Chair for the local Red Cross. I love my cats and family.
    I was a social worker for 20 years and graphic designer afterwards- now would like to communicate with old friends who remember me and didn't hate me.
    Am looking for new things to do, look up old friends, etc. l always have had a problem with lowgrade but debilitating and moderate depression and am just starting to feel better with a mixing of two meds.
    My problem is I hardly remember anyone but if somebody remembers me, please don't hesitate to email me. I've tried to find Joan Meyer about whom I'm worried about and would appreciate any leads. My dear friend Carol Konigsberg died of cancer just a few years ago which was very upsetting. Nicholas Mihoulides, my first and most meaningful crush also died a very untimely death when he was quite young and jogging. It hurts.
    Since I don't remember anyone, and probably no one remembers me either, I probably won't hear from anyone.
    I found this site via Google looking someone up to no avail, a member of our graduating class.
    The bottom line here is I'd love to hear from my dear friend Joan Meyer, Roger Hannon and anybody else that still exists and remembers me. I can't believe we're all 64 now.
    I've been cured of two different cancers.
Marilyn (Glass) Rudenstein
[To contact Marilyn (Glass) Rudenstein, click here]

Kew Gardens Civic Ass'n Annual Meeting
May 1, 2005
Editor's Note:  The 91s annual meeting of the Kew Gardens Civic Association will be held on Thursday, May 5th at the Kew Gardens Community Center at 80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 202. Enter through the main lobby and sign-in with I.D.
7:30 PM: Dessert, coffee, wine and cheese.
8:20 PM: Meeting begins.

May 1, 2005
Hi. my name is Anthony Zabrocki lived at 83-15 Lefferts Blvd. younger brother Gerard, younger sister Kathryn, we are a year apart. Father George, Mother Mary. Attended Holy child of Jesus, Catholic, elementary school in Richmond Hill, graduated in 64, went to Richmond Hill High, till we moved to Bensonhurst Brooklyn , went to New Utrecht high in Brooklyn graduated in 68. Moved to Long Beach N.Y., where I reside today at 339 East Chester Street, Long Beach New York , 11561, (516) 432-6529. Still in touch with some old classmates from HCJ. The usual Married Divorced, one son Nicholas. I am a Corvette enthusiast and involved in the Corvette lifestyle. Known as Tony Zabrocki or big Tony Z. in the Corvette community. President of Corvette Cavalry,(corvettecavalry.com). Celebrity Judge at Corvettes at Carlisle Penn. Last weekend in August. Co-Founder of Long Island Vettes,(longislandvettes.com) and past Vice President, Member Long island Corvette Owners Association. Past member Corvette Society, My Vette was on the cover of Autoweek magazine for the opening of the National CorvetteMuseum in Bowling Green Kentucky. Have had many articles about my vettes in many Corvette magazines. Racing, Showing and Driving Corvette's is my passion. Would love to hear from old classmates and friends and my sister Kathryn,If you read this the past is the past, let's start a new relationship. My brother Gerard was murdered in Brooklyn. Parents have passed. My web address is () which I would like published, along with my address and phone number. If there is a website starting up for HCJ , Please keep me informed, I would like to be involved. Have fond memories of Kew Gardens and Richmond Hill. Only wish they had those 21 speed bikes back when we where growing up. I remember the hills, going up tough coming down great. Lots of chestnut trees and the chestnut fights. Sleigh riding in Forest Park and playing a lot of ball of all kinds, yes those where the days. Great website.
Thank You
Tony Zabrocki

I'm Giving Away Invitations to Join Gmail
May 1, 2005
    Editor's Note: As of February 1st, Old Kew Gardens [.com] got with Gmail, which is the Google web based email service. You've probably heard that Gmail offers two gigabytes [2,000 MB] of free storage. It's free, but available by invitation only. Invitations are so sought after that they are being offered for sale on eBay. I have invitations I can distribute to friends. I'm not selling them, I'm giving them away. They are available on a first come first serve basis. Just send me an email telling me you'd like one.
    Update: I will remove this post when I run out of invitations. If you're reading this, then there are still invitations left to give out.

May 1, 2005
[Ed.'s Note: The reason each guest book posting does not appear here immediately is that I review each message individually before posting to eliminate spam or unwanted adult content. Email me if you want to make a correction to a message you have already posted or if you would like a message removed.]

How to contact Guestbook signers

Some Guestbook signers choose not to publish their email addresses. If you wish to contact one of them, send me an email identifying the guestbook signer you wish to contact and giving me the date his or her message was posted. Your email to me must contain your full name, and may also include anything else you wish to tell the signer. I will forward your email to the Guestbook signer you wish to contact, but with no cc or bcc to you. It will be the signer's decision whether or not to make contact with you. Any emails which contain spam, adult content, or appear suspect for any other reason will not be forwarded. ~The Editor.

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