Pictures dated c. 1920 and 2006
Click images to enlarge
Kew Gardens Road
Thanks again to Roman Roman Bachli for these old photographs of a house that still stands on the east side of Kew Gardens Road between 82nd Road and 82nd Avenue. There are two sets of three pictures each. Each set shows the house under construction on a Kew Gardens Road that has yet to be paved. Each set also shows photographs of the house taken c. 1920 and again in 2006. Click on images to enlarge.
If you have pictures of yourself showing any Kew Gardens locale in the background, email me high resolution jpegs and I will post them here as space permits.
To download a copy of the
Queens Courier's Sept. 2003 article about Old Kew, click on one of the following links. Turn off your browser's auto-resize if the JPEG text appears too small to read.
JPEG - 240kb]
PDF - Hi Resolution, 379kb]
PDF - Low Resolution, 97kb
June 29, 2006
I grew up in Rego Park Queens during 1966-1979, attending P.S.175, Halsey JR High and FHHS.
I miss my childhood friends deeply. Many of them were from Austin street to 108th street. I know many of you have moved on and much like myself, have started new lives with new family and friends but, I wanted to contact you all to let you know that I think of our neighborhood often. I think of you all and I wanted to share that love of an environment that was extremely unique to me (mostley because I lived my life vicariously through you and your families) because I moved around a lot during the time my parents worked in London and California. Queens was the only place where my roots were allowed to grow and so I soaked up every bit of it that I could.
I can't belive that after so many years I can have the feelings that I do for all of you who I miss so much but, this site has opened that gate for me and now I feel compelled to contact you all to tell you that I loved being a part of your lives and you all have been much of an influence in mine.
I miss you all and my door is open to all who wish to contact me.
I'm happily married with two beautiful children, one in UC Merced and the other in 4th grade. I live in Los Angeles and work in the motion picture / television advertising industry. I'm doing well and now I'm feeling very introspective about life. My childhood friend who some of you migh know introduced me to my wife and now he's my brother in-law. I keep in touch from time to time with a core group of people from the area and they are as follows:
Gary Bougarts (Brother in-law)
Jamie Stern
Robbert Hyams (Los Angeles)
David Kolpak
Todd Wolfe
Steve Weintraub
Adam O'linka
Steve Reese (Los Angeles)
Eddie Friedland
Don Alan (somewhere Los Angeles)
I have lost touch with and would love to hear from ( and pardon me if I misspell your name):
Gary Klein
Jay Klein
Dave Persteche Susana Cruse
Carol Moses
Bonnie Zabel(somewhere Los Angeles)
Joey Villamazar
Laurel Abrams
Ellen Green
Sara Fontak
Eddie Escarosa
Ilean Gordon
Lloyd Greenspan
Joel Steckler
Jimmie Calandra
Steven Choen
Holly Fried (somewhere Los Angeles)
Mike Natelli
Larry Northcoat
Sharry Brandwine
Scott Glassman
Mike Kirshner
Steven Schwartz
Debbie Gollub
Jerry Choen
Jack hazen
John Spampanado
Richard Forte
There are many more but, if I could get in touch with some of you, I'm sure I'll be able to get in touch with the others.
Wow, what a trip this has been.
I hope this e-mail finds you all in good health and in happy spirits. With heartfelt love to you all
Allen Ferro
[To contact Allen Ferro, click here]
June 28, 2006
I am answering a guest note from Sara Berlan dated June 22, 2006 requesting info. about " Mimi Parker". We lived on Park Lane So. from 1957 to 1968. My two sons attended P.S. 99 and another old friend forwarded Sara's request to one of my sons. You may publish my address.
Mimi Parker
June 25, 2006
Sara Berlan lived for 9 &1/2 years in Old Kew Gardens. Is Diane Eisenberg there. She had a daughter:Alyson. We used to talk in Forest Park, etc.
Sara Berlan
[To contact Sara Berlan, click here]
June 24, 2006
Would like to know if anyone knows any present information about the Austin Movie Theater. I saw their ad in the Post that I get here in Florida and was wondering if it is now a fourplex. The way they show it in the paper, it looks like it.
Also, does anyone have any pictures of Miss Reese's class or Mrs Fuller's classes? The years would be 1948 to 1950.
Linda Widder Wiesner
[To contact Linda Widder Wiesner, click here]
RHHS's 50th Reunion
June 22, 2006
Dear RHHS Class of 1956 Graduates,
Our reunion is chugging along and gaining momentum daily! After scouting several locations, Carol has now signed a contract with the New Hyde Park Inn, located at 214 Jericho Turnpike (Jamaica Avenue becomes Jericho Turnpike), New Hyde Park, NY 11040. We have a lovely room, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., which will hold 40 - 80 people. We opted for the buffet-style dinner, which will allow for more time to mingle and greet one another. There will be an open bar for four hours (included in the price), as well as a cold display and passed hot hors d"oeuvres during the first hour. To date, we have 36 paid attendees, and we thank you early birds who sent in checks, providing the deposit for the New Hyde Park Inn. For overnight accommodations, the closest lodging is the Floral Park Motor Lodge. They quoted Carol a rate of $98/single, $121/double. Check out their website at
We are still hoping to arrange a tour of our alma mater; however, nothing definite can be reported at this time. We will let you know as soon as RHHS lets Carol know!
Now, we require some guidance from all of you. For those coming in from out-of-town (and even for "local folks"), we need to know how much interest there is for a very informal get-together on Friday evening (9/15/06). This might be "Dutch treat" or partially subsidized for those who attend. The $100-per-person we have collected covers Saturday's dinner and other related expenses. Carol believes that, after the final accounting, there will be some money remaining.
We are also considering a souvenir-type journal and would appreciate receiving brief bios from classmates, telling us what has occurred in your life during the last 50 years. Photos, past and present, would be most welcome, too. Please put your name on everything you send so it can be returned. Also, we would certainly welcome any of your suggestions that would make our reunion a memorable one for all.
So, now is the time, if you have not already done so, to send your checks to Carol (Drescher) Koenig at 8 Gainsboro Lane; Syosset, New York 11791, along with the above requested info. Any questions, give her a call at 516-921-6990, or you can email her at .
Our Class of 1956 Reunion is a rompin' stompin' REALITY, and we hope you will be there with us! September will be here before we know it!
Fred Meyer
[To contact Fred Meyer, click here]
Doris I was wrong
June 21, 2006
Click on thumbnail to enlarge.
June 19, 2006
Dear Joe:
I haven't posted an entry in quite some time, but whenever I "hit" the site I am always r impressed with the pictures of the lovely private homes that grace the side streets of Kew. I am also in awe of the photographic memory of such correspondents as Mr. Linsky, whose clear reminiscences illuminate the past. It is also nice to note that at least one veteran of World War II has recently come upon the site and added his personal comments. I wonder how many of that "Great Generation" from Kew Gardens are still around.
I've had no cause to revisit Kewsince the death of my mother over two years ago. However, when my brother and I were there last, we walked around the town, as usual, and sadly concluded that the "worst" corner in Kew was none other than Metro and 118th Street, in terms of crowding, traffic , noise, debris build-up, and general lack of aesthetics. Fortunately, no other corner even came close. But unfortunately, that's the intersection we remember most from our childhood in Eton Hall -- and the comparison with its pleasant former demeanor has perhaps made its present shoddy condition seem even worse.
Last heard, yet another project was being proposed to exacerbate the situation at that spot: an apt. building to be built behind (or perhaps, in the end, incorporating) the strip mall on the southwest corner of Metro and 118th St. Since I can't see that monolith with my own eyes, I am wondering about its progress, and what has been happening with the several stores there -- such as Podiatrist Fred Beecher and Astoria Bank. One can "bank" on the fact that whenb developers will win, and the population always "foots" the bill in terms of further deterioration.
Doris Schaffer O'Brien
PS 99 Class of 1946 (summer)
FHHS, Class of 1950
[To contact Doris Schaffer O'Brien, click here]
Click on thumbnail to enlarge.
June 18, 2006
In a June 15th. Guest Book letter John Peck writes that he lived in Kew Gardens over a funeral home at Metropolitan Avenue and Lefferts Blvd. in the 40�s.
He also says that �street cars� (and by that I am assuming that he means electric trolley cars � that only operated on Metropolitan) passed in front of his house.
As crystal clear as my memories are of the era I cannot picture a private home on Metropolitan Avenue at or near the intersection of Lefferts Blvd. (all that comes to mind are wall to wall apartment buildings and retail establishments).
I do seem to remember that as you headed up the Lefferts hill past Metropolitan, and before reaching Abingdon Rd., there was a house on the right hand side with a large white shingle on the front lawn that I think might have denoted a funeral home.
Upon submitting this letter for posting in the Guest Book, Joe De May, our very astute and capable webmaster, informed me that he had received further information from Mr. Peck indicating that his reference was to the Cook Funeral Home at 119 50 Metropolitan Ave. (between Lefferts and Brevoort).
While I have no memory of the facility, the 119 50 address tells me that it had to have been very much closer to Breevoort and perhaps even just across from the first Kew Gardens Jewish Center which was also originally a one family house at that corner.
Let�s hope that Mr. Peck, who (as a WWII veteran) must be at least eighty years old, can provide us with more glimpses into 'his' Old Kew Gardens.
A. Linsky
[To contact A. Linsky, click here]
June 16, 2006
Hello John Peck
Sounds like you've got at least 10 years on me. You went off to war while I was still playing potsy and kick the can in Kew Gardens. My father, Milton Rogers, also worked for the Long Island Daily Press in the early 40s. He was in advertising. Interestingly, my future father-in-law, Herman Weiss, worked in the garment district in the 40s at Weiss-Greenfield. Any of those names ring an old bell?
Jay Rogers
[To contact Jay Rogers, click here]
June 15, 2006
My name is: John H. Peck as a young man in the 1940's I lived in Kew Gardens, my mother was the lady attendent to an undertaker at Lefferts Blvd. & Metropolitan Ave., the street cars ran in front of our house which was an funeral parlor. In 1942 I enlisted in the US Navy and my going away party was held in a beer garden in the neighboehood. My father worked for the LI Daily Press in Jamaica. I cannot rember the names of the Undertaker Parlor, you might know if the building is still there.
Our apartment was on the second floor of this building, in the rear was a large barn like structor for the many funeral cars.
Found your site, looking for Queens.. surfing.. I worked in the garment district of Manhattan, had to commute ever day.
John H. Peck
Noirfolk, VA
[To contact John H. Peck, click here]
New Featured Photographs Delayed
June 14, 2006
Editor's Note: I've come down with some sort of bug or food poisoning that has absolutely flattened me. For that reason, there's going to be a day or two delay in posting new Featured Photographs. I'm really sorry.
June 14, 2006
I had to write you as my name is Arthur Schleifman. Is you name really Schleirman?
Please e mail back
Artie Schleifman
[To contact Artie Schleifman, click here]
June 9, 2006
I haven�t had e-mail for several months, due to a total computer crash. Just wanted to touch base with this wonderful site, to let everyone know that I haven�t forgotten about my old KG friends. Hopefully, I will have e-mail again in several weeks. So if you�ve wondered why I have been unreachable, now you know.
I�ve missed checking in on this wonderful site; I used this opportunity of a visit with my brother in Seattle to see what�s been going on. I�ve especially enjoyed the pictures from Bobby Lieberman�s movie.
Look forward to being in touch again,
Joyce Ein Dilman
PS99 class of 1963
[To contact Joyce Ein Dilman, click here]
Homestead Building (Lefferts and 83rd.)
June 9, 2006
A post script to my recent letter regarding the disappearance of more than half of the original 'Homestead
I have (forensically) examined a recent photograph of the three existing structures including the bank, the stucco building and what is left of the Homestead itself and have made some interesting observations.
My theory that a fire probably caused the original destruction is beginning to make a great deal more sense and, while I cannot date the event exactly, I can approximate the time frame for the redevelopment of the property.
The bank building question may be academic because, if my memory serves me, there is a cornerstone denoting the year of construction that I believe is in the late twenties to early thirties (a stroll past the building will verify that).
The key here is the middle stucco job that, if you will notice, has floor levels and window areas equal to those of the existing Homestead building.
This indicates to me that that part of the old Homestead structure may not have been completely destroyed and was refurbished.
It is rather easy to determine the time frame of this renovation merely because its fa�ade is of Art Deco design that came into vogue sometime in the late twenties and lasted through the very early forties.
Why the architect did not follow through with the original �English Tudor� motif is a question that will probably never be answered. As your �BSI� (building scene investigator) I will continue to look for more interesting facets of Old Kew Gardens.
A. Linsky
[To contact A. Linsky, click here]
June 7, 2006
Thanks to the Queens Chronical we have another wonderful picture of what the 'Homestead Building' originally appeared like (circa 1914). But that's not the way the building looks today and, when compared to 1914, even the least keenest of eyes can see that virtually fifty percent (the entire left side) is missing, and has been replaced by what us oldtimers knew to be Dr. Jay's dental office and a Bank of the Manhattan Company branch.
Joe De May (the webmaster) and I had discussed this mystery some time ago and could reach no definitive conclusions due to a lack of evidence.
I would herewith put forth a number of likely scenarios for viewer edification;
The most probable cause would have been a fire which was quickly contained thereby saving the other half of the structure. Or the bank (which might have been the mortgage holder) could have wanted the 'prime' property at the 'five corners' for a branch office and negotiated for it with the Homestead owner.
Finally, it may be that the original plan to widen the railroad right of way to four tracks (sometime in the teens) and build the Lefferts Boulevard overpass encompassed part of the land the Homestead sat on.
The railroad (owned by the Pennsylvania at the time) for whatever reason could have changed the course after the fact leaving the piece of property for development. Any other ideas?
Just another part of the puzzle that makes Old Kew Gardens so interesting to study and remember.
A. Linsky
[To contact A. Linsky, click here]
June 4, 2006
Just one slight error in the caption under the picture of the Homestead Building in the Chronical; In 1914 it was Lefferts Blvd. and 'Richmond Hill' Avenue.
The street was renamed 83rd. Avenue sometime shortly after my parents bought their land in 1937 which, at the time, was designated as 155 Richmond Hill Avenue.
Certainly, for 'newcomer' recognition 83rd. is O.K. and understandable, but if we are going to have an accurate record of the past let it reflect the actual facts.
As usual, my praise for the great work you are doing.
A. Linsky
[To contact A. Linsky, click here]
Homestead Building in the Queens Chronicle
June 4, 2006
Editor's Note: Somehow I missed the following article in the May 18, 2006 Queens Chronicle newspaper about the Homestead Building on Lefferts Boulevard at Cuthbert Road.
Click here to view the article.
June 1, 2006
Editor's Note: Since more people now have broadband connections and higher resolution screens, I am beginning to bump up the size and resolution of the images I display here. So, instead of averaging 20 - 35 KB, images will start to average 60 - 80 KB. If enough dial up users find these file sizes make viewing the web pages too slow, let me know and I will reduce the file sizes.
Get a Gmail Account Free
June 1, 2006
Editor's Note: As of February 1, 2005, Old Kew Gardens [.com] got with Gmail, which is the Google web based email service. You've probably heard that Gmail offers two gigabytes [2,000 MB] of free storage. It's free, but available by invitation only. I have invitations I can distribute to friends. I'm not selling them, I'm giving them away. They are available on a first come first serve basis. Just send me an email telling me you'd like one.
Update: Unless I know you, your request must come from a bona fide working ISP email address. To prevent abuse, email requests coming from free web based email services like Yahoo or Hotmail will not be honored.
Update: I will remove this post when I run out of invitations. If you're reading this, then there are still invitations left to give out.
Posting Messages Here
June 1, 2006
[Ed.'s Note: The reason each guest book posting does not appear here immediately is that I review each message individually before posting to eliminate spam or unwanted adult content. Email me if you want to make a correction to a message you have already posted or if you would like a message removed.]
How to contact Guestbook signers
Some Guestbook signers choose not to publish their email addresses. If you wish to contact one of them, send me an email identifying the guestbook signer you wish to contact and giving me the date his or her message was posted. Your email to me must contain your full name, and June also include anything else you wish to tell the signer. I will forward your email to the Guestbook signer you wish to contact, but with no cc or bcc to you. It will be the signer's decision whether or not to make contact with you. Any emails which contain spam, adult content, or appear suspect for any other reason will not be forwarded. ~The Editor.