82-34 Lefferts Boulevard
"This is the Bellaire Ice Cream Parlor/Luncheonette. It was owned by my father, Harry Sokol, and my grandfather, Tom Waxman. The address is 82-34 Lefferts Boulevard between Metropolitan Avenue and Abingdon Road. The site is where Rosenblum's Kosher Market is. Pictured here is me, Ronni Sokol, at age 3-1/2, and in the carriage, unseen is my newborn brother, Jeff. The woman with her back to the camera is my mother, Sybil Sokol. We cannot identify the woman standing."
1956 photograph and comments courtesy of Ronni (Sokol) Dreisbach. 2008 photograph from an anonymous donor.]
If you have pictures of yourself showing any Kew Gardens locale in the background, email me high resolution jpegs and I will post them here as space permits.
To download a copy of the
Queens Courier's Sept. 2003 article about Old Kew Gardens.com, click on one of the following links. Turn off your browser's auto-resize if the JPEG text appears too small to read.
JPEG - 240kb]
PDF - Hi Resolution, 379kb]
PDF - Low Resolution, 97kb
February 26, 2007
Click on thumbnail to view photographs.
[To contact Ellen, click here]
February 19, 2007
Click on thumbnail to view photographs.
[To contact Ellen, click here]
A Poem to post on your guestbook
February 18, 2007
Click on thumbnail to read the poem.
Tara McHugh, nee Girsky
[To contact Tara McHugh, nee Girsky, click here]
More Music and Poetry
February 17, 2007
The next live musical entertainment will take place at "Mood" restaurant on Wednesday, February 28th, from 8 to 10 P.M. "Mood" is located at 120-29 83rd Ave., in Kew Gardens. All welcome
[To contact Aaron Adler, click here]
I Need Your Help
February 16, 2007
Editor's Note: I really need your help on this one. I am trying to locate the following people who lived in Kew Gardens during the 1960's. If anyone knows where they are or how to contact them, .
Louis Cain
Henrietta and Robert Cole
James Cooper
Grace and P.G. Cottrell
Homer Crears
Martha Fields
Clare Finn
Mr. Haieenkahl
Agnes Harrington
Madeline Hartmann
Mr. & Mrs. John Maloney
Sara Nelson
Shelia and Anne O'Shea
Florence and John Pinder
Erma Ranniker
Mary Root
Carl Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Rubenstein (I believe he was a Dentist)Robert & Helen Sandroski
Gladis Verrell
February 16, 2007
We are currently recruiting artists and crafters for Kew Gardens Spring Into Summer Art and Crafts Show scheduled for Sunday June 10 (rain date June 24) 11:00-6:00 pm at the Kew Gardens LIRR North parking lot. Your $35 participation fee will be donated to the Jamaica Hospital Medical Center Pediatric Emergency Fund and it will secure you a 10' by 7' space (please bring your own tables & chairs!) This Art Show is part of a larger community event, The Kew Gardens Spring Into Summer Community Day and lots of activities and entertainment will be going on all over our wonderful neighborhood on June 10th. An announcement letter and contract is attached with the necessary details for application. If you cannot open these files please let me know ASAP. Please share this information with any of your artist friends that you think might be interested in participating. Thanks and have a great weekend,
Art Show Letter
Art Show contract
[To contact Carol, click here]
Stealing My Act
February 16, 2007
Editor's Note: Thanks to Carol Lacks for forwarding the following link to a web site featuring photographs of present day 83rd Avenue and Lefferts Boulevard.
Click here to view the pictures
Dr. Footsie (Part 4)
February 14, 2007
Hi Joe and fellow Kew Gardeners:
Happy Valentine's Day - The CANDY is in the mail.
I'm finally out of the hype of the Stupor Bowl - now to the important matters.
Sabo - great talking to you and thanks for sending in the picture of the Roomates. I remember when they would come up to the park and hit harmony and their were other groups that would showcase their stuff - sort of a battle of the groups. I don't remember Felix's last name he was a few years older than us, was married and a think had a child. - he lived across the street from our apartment house - the Alt Green Towers on Metropolitan Avenue. I believe before they recorded those songs - they were a background group for Kathy Jean and recorded a real popular song - Please Love Me Forever - perfect for Valentine's. - If I am mistaken - let's hear from Doo Wop Jack.
Growing up in the Fifties, especially in Kew Gardens was a Happy Time. We sang because we were Happy. The apartment houses all had great acoustics - we all sounded good - John D, Danny, Bobby Fox, etc - singing falsetto seemed to come easy - I think it had something to do with the clothes - I remember having worn purple velvet pants with saddle stitches with an inside zipper at mid-calf - you would think that they poured us into the pants - now if that did'nt make us hit High C - nothing would.
Listening to the sounds of the 50's the great male and female groups - the harmony - the lyrics were positive, uplifting, and meaningful - ( ie: Rama Lama Ding Dong and a British Singer - Lonnie Donnegan's "Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight). I had inadvertenly accumulated a large collection of 45's from the girls who always threw parties in their finished basements of their homes - if you can identify the song, the group, the Label and the date of the party and send a self-addressed envelope - the Vinyl will be in the mail with your candy.
I love you Kew Gardens
Marty (Harpo) Marks
February 13, 2007
Anyone who has names and dates of friends or family from Kew Gardens that passed away, please send the names of Linda Widder Wiesner so that we can compile a list and post it on the Kew Site. Am working on a memorial page with those who were born from 1935 to 1945. Any suggestions will be gratefully appreciated. Would also send the list to the company that is making the movie about Kew.
Thanks for your help,
Linda Widder Wiesner
[To contact Linda Widder Wiesner, click here]
February 13, 2007
Click on thumbnail to view enlargement.
Roger Sabo
[To contact Roger Sabo, click here]
February 11, 2007
Funny how coincidences happen. I was just recently thinking of all the classmates that I attended '99' with who I understand have died (I would name them here but I think it would be inappropriate without family substantiation and permission).
However, Linda Wiesner's idea for some type of memorial page is excellent if a way can be found to do so in the least offensive manner.
I think it would be incumbant upon someone close to a decedent to make such an anouncement. A permanent record of those who have left us is an important part of the history of Old Kew Gardens.
A. Linsky
[To contact A. Linsky, click here]
The Statue of Civic Virtue
February 11, 2007
Editor's note: Today's New York Times has an article of the Civic Virtue Statue that stands on Queens Boulevard at Union Turnpike next to Borough Hall. Click here to read the story
February 10, 2007
I was very sorry to find out that many of my old friends have gone. How about a Memorial Page for all those who were born in the 40's and have passed away. This seems to be the bulk of people who are on the site and I am sure they would want to know what has happened to many of their old frineds.
Thanks for your help,
Linda Widder Wiesner
[To contact Linda Widder Wiesner, click here]
Editor's Note: Linda, I will put together any kind of a page you or anyone else want. Just send me the content and let me know your preferences, if any, as to how it should be organized.
February 10, 2007
Eve Harris, (now Celsi) p.s.99 class of '75. I lived in Kew Gardens from 1963- 1984. Now living in Oregon and waxing sentimental about "Mr. B's", with it's fine coin op horse, "Mildred Rogers School of Dance", the fabulous Austin Bookshop and the short lived, but inspiring (for me at least) Rock and Mineral shop off the corner of Lefferts and Austin. Wondering about Randi Zimmerman, Jason Liebowitz, Lisa Guggenheim, and any other classmates and/ or neighbors from the Roger Williams. I'm still in close touch with my best friend from kindergarten Janice Sloane. K.G. truly has a magic about it! Love that this site exists!
[To contact Eve, click here]
Queens Historical Society Hosts Book Signing on Historic Cemetery
February 10, 2007
Event: Maple Grove Cemetery Book signing and lecture
Date: Saturday, February 17
Time: 2:30- 4:30 p.m.
Place: The Queens Historical Society, 143-25 37th Avenue, Flushing, NY 11354 (718) 939-0647
Click here to read more
February 8, 2007
Click on thumbnail to view enlargement.
Roger Sabo
[To contact Roger Sabo, click here]
What about Lenny Schneir?
February 2, 2007
Editor's Note: The Queens Borough President's office is looking for someone to serve a four year term as the next Poet Laureate of Queens.
Click here to read the story
February 1, 2007
I used to live in the building at the corner of talbot and lefferts. I dont recall the address but I wondered if anyone knew if the building had a name etc. I didn't get to graduate from p.s 99 being that we moved before I could finish. I found the site through forgottenny.com.
Thank you.
[Name not given]
A Story Well Worth Sharing
February 1, 2007
The following link is to a story about Kevin Klauber, my buddy who lived at Kew Hall on Talbot St.
Click here to read the article
His story is a courageous fight to survive. One that shows the strength obtained from growing up in Kew Gardens.
Larry Gross
[To contact Larry Gross, click here]
February 1, 2007
Although I am 17 years older than Ron Issaac we certainly share the same memories of Razzlers, King George, Mimi, Wonderland, etc. and I remember your house!!!!I lived in the Alt Green Towers from 1942-1953. I also go to the Kew Gardens movie theater at least once a week and although I do not think I look 90, the guy there also asked me for ID. I thought at first he was flattering me but when the man behind me asked for a ticket he asked him if he was a Senior Citizen and the guy said he was only 58!
Beatrice Schwarz Newman
Bigger Images
February 1, 2007
Editor's Note: Since more people now have broadband connections and higher resolution screens, I am beginning to bump up the size and resolution of the images I display here. So, instead of averaging 20 - 35 KB, images will start to average 60 - 80 KB. If enough dial up users find these file sizes make viewing the web pages too slow, let me know and I will reduce the file sizes.
Get a Gmail Account Free
February 1, 2007
Editor's Note: As of February 1, 2005, Old Kew Gardens [.com] got with Gmail, which is the Google web based email service. You've probably heard that Gmail offers two gigabytes [2,000 MB] of free storage. It's free, but available by invitation only. Invitations are so sought after that they are being offered for sale on eBay. I have invitations I can distribute to friends. I'm not selling them, I'm giving them away. They are available on a first come first serve basis. Just send me an email telling me you'd like one.
Update: Unless I know you, your request must come from a bona fide working ISP email address. To prevent abuse, email requests coming from free web based email services like Yahoo or Hotmail will not be honored.
Update: I will remove this post when I run out of invitations. If you're reading this, then there are still invitations left to give out.
Posting Messages Here
February 1, 2007
[Ed.'s Note: The reason each guest book posting does not appear here immediately is that I review each message individually before posting to eliminate spam or unwanted adult content. Email me if you want to make a correction to a message you have already posted or if you would like a message removed.]
How to contact Guestbook signers
Some Guestbook signers choose not to publish their email addresses. If you wish to contact one of them, send me an email identifying the guestbook signer you wish to contact and giving me the date his or her message was posted. Your email to me must contain your full name, and may also include anything else you wish to tell the signer. I will forward your email to the Guestbook signer you wish to contact, but with no cc or bcc to you. It will be the signer's decision whether or not to make contact with you. Any emails which contain spam, adult content, or appear suspect for any other reason will not be forwarded. ~The Editor..