Slide Show:
Round Robin Map of Kew Gardens
"This old map of Kew Gardens hung over the fireplace in my father's real estate office at 81-59 Lefferts Boulevard in the 1950`s." ~ Roger Sabo
Click on the images above to view a 27 page slide show featuring close ups of sections of a spectacular 1929 "Round Robin" map of Kew Gardens with dozens of amusing topical references - many identifiable, some not. Kudos to Roger Sabo for one of the best submissions ever.
If you have pictures of yourself showing any Kew Gardens locale in the background, email me high resolution jpegs and I will post them here as space permits.
To download a copy of the
Queens Courier's Sept. 2003 article about Old Kew, click on one of the following links. Turn off your browser's auto-resize if the JPEG text appears too small to read.
JPEG - 240kb]
PDF - Hi Resolution, 379kb]
PDF - Low Resolution, 97kb
Click on thumbnail to view enlargement.
Although I enjoyed your recent slide show of Mowbray Drive I was disappointed to see the decay of some of the homes especially the home with the cyclone fence on the west side of the street which I think is #110. This was the home of the neighborhood bully Roy whos father was a prominent surgeon. I`m sure his family would be deeply saddened to see the current condition of their former home.
The picture that I am posting today is of 107 Mowbray Drive and it shows the big oak tree that was in the front yard. I would climb this tree to where you could sit in the center of it. Years later my children would also climb this tree. I was sorry to see that the tree has been removed. This picture was taken in 1955.
Roger Sabo
[To contact Roger Sabo, click here]
July 26, 2007
To all those who have been wonderful to reply to my emails, I say "Thank You" but I think that I am going to leave the reunion stuff to Andy London. The response has not been good for a Florida Reunion and I think that I will try again another time when the weather is cooler and I have more time to organize.
I wish Andy good luck and hope you all have a wonderful time in KG.
If anyone in Florida still wants to get together in September, please let me know.
Linda Widder Wiesner
[To contact Linda Widder Wiesner, click here]
P.S. I am keeping the email addresses for the next time.
July 23, 2007
I want to thank everyone who answered my emails about a reunion in Florida. If you are still interested, please email me. I would need to make the plans final for all of us that will attend. I want you all to know that if you prefer to attend the one in New York that Andy is planning, don't feel obligated to come to Florida. I am sure that it would be easier for most of you to go to his. I will be awating for your answer.
Thank you,
Linda Widder Wiesner
Another Reunion (Not the One in Florida)
July 21, 2007
The last time we did this was (I can't believe it) 4 years ago. I think it's time to do it again.
I want to plan a reunion, to be held in Kew Gardens, for those who lived or hung around in Kew Gardens from the mid 50's to the mid 60's.
I want to plan for the fall of '07 after the Jewish Holidays. If you are interested in attending, please give me a few alternate dates.
I will be sending an e-mail to those whose addresses I collected in '03. This will tell you all the people who are receiving the message.
My address is
I hope you are all well.
Best Wishes,
Andy London
Editor's Note: To view Carol Paplin's photographs of the November 15, 2003 reunion at Kew Gardens, do the following:
1.) Go to
2.) For "Email Address" enter:
[email protected]
3.) For "Password" enter: reunion
July 21, 2007
Click on thumbnail to view enlargement.
I saw a recent posting of Paul Onish who is looking for Malcolm Mallory. Although I don`t know where Malcolm is I do have an old picture of him that Paul may like. This picture was taken in my backyard at 107 Mowbray Drive in the summer of 1956.
Roger Sabo
[To contact Roger Sabo, click here]
July 18, 2007
Got some new information. The value dates for the Disney hotels are 8/5 to 10/3 and 11/25 to 12/19. If anyone finds a weekend in there aside from the one already mentioned that is better for them, please let me know and I will check with everyone.
Linda Widder Wiesner
[To contact Linda Widder Wiesner, click here]
I need help from everyone!!
July 16, 2007
Looking for your assistance. A few old friends and I are planning to have a reunion for those who lived in Kew in the 50s. It will be in Orlando sometime in September of this year. It is value season for the hotels and the rates are lower. Would like to have a dinner at a Disney Hotel. If another month is better, please let me know. Please send me any suggestions and if you're able to attend. If you have emails for anyone else, please either send it to me or email your friends about the reunion and have them email me.
Hope to hear from all of you soon. Will keep you all informed on the KG site.
Linda Widder Wiesner
[To contact Linda Widder Wiesner, click here]
Where Are They Now?
July 16, 2007
Editor's Note: If you are interested in locating a long lost Kew Gardens friend, but are uncomfortable posting any inquiries here. Send me an email telling me who you are looking for and I will let you know if I have contact information for them. Your inquiry will not get published as long as you make it clear in the email that it is a private inquiry not to be published.
July 15, 2007
Paul Onish
Kew Gardens 1946-1970
PS 99 1950-1955
Graduated Kew Forest 1964
e-mail in New Jersey.
732.613.1224 evenings for my friends
Still looking for Malcolm Mallory the ministers son, my best friend.
Found this site in 2006 from an email
Florida Reunion
July 14, 2007
If anyone knows the email for Frank Lipson, Donna Gould, Ann Yellen Villa, and Louie Mendelsohn, please send them to me. Anyone else interested. please email Linda Widder Wiesner
[To contact Linda Widder Wiesner, click here]
July 14, 2007
Click on thumbnail to view enlargement.
I found this postcard in my Uncles` scrapbook. It believe that it dates back to the 40`s or 50`s. I remember seeing this memorial near The Homestead Hotel and wonder if it is still there.
Roger Sabo
[To contact Roger Sabo, click here]
Click on thumbnail to view enlargement.
July 14, 2007
What has now become an annual event for me, I took a quick pass through Kew Gardens last Sunday at 2am for a nostalgia visit after taking 2 rides on the Cyclone in Coney Island.
The activity around Dani's at 2am people sitting out front, others just taking in the night air on Lefferts.
The entranceway and hallway of the apartment building on the west side of Lefferts, just north of Austin. It has an amazing European feel to it.
An all-night laundromat on 118th just off Hillside.
The Georgian House on 84th - unchanged
McMansions up and down Audley
Zoning disasters:
All of 117th between Curzon and 84th
The relatively new apt build off Grosvenor behind Metro - whose idea was that?
The neon Commerce Bank monstrosity in the corner of 118th and Metro effectively wipes out any trace (and memories) of what used to be Wonderland, the Richmond Hill Savings Bank, and the Salty Dog.
Ron Signore
[To contact Ron Signore, click here]
July 13, 2007
The next music and poetry show will take place on Thursday, July 26th, beginning at 7 or 7:30 P.M. at the Theater Cafe, 106-03 Metropolitan Ave., Forest Hills, next door to the Cinemart Movies. All are welcome.
[To contact Aaron Adler, click here]
July 10, 2007 I need to clarify my idea. I was hoping that the reunion could be at Disney and that we could have a dinner at one of the hotels on the property. Most of the restaurants are not as costly as you might think. If people need to stay over night, there are many inexpensive places in the area thru The Friends and Family plan we can get rooms at Disney for a good discount. Let me know what you think about this.
Linda Widder Wiesner [To contact Linda Widder Wiesner, click here]
July 7, 2007
Just wondering how many people who lived in Kew Gardens in the 50s are now living in Florida. How about a Florida reunion? What do you think?
Linda Widder Wiesner
[To contact Linda Widder Wiesner, click here]
Back from Basic Training
July 7, 2007
Click on thumbnail to view enlargement.
Scanned is a newspaper article dating back to 1944. My Uncle of 105 Mowbray Place ( Drive ) returned from basic training to a family party. Pictured from left to right are my Grandmother, my Uncle and my Grandfather.
Roger Sabo
[To contact Roger Sabo, click here]
Posting Messages Here
July 1, 2007
[Ed.'s Note: The reason each guest book posting does not appear here immediately is that I review each message individually before posting to eliminate spam or unwanted adult content. Email me if you want to make a correction to a message you have already posted or if you would like a message removed.]
How to contact Guestbook signers
Some Guestbook signers choose not to publish their email addresses. If you wish to contact one of them, send me an email identifying the guestbook signer you wish to contact and giving me the date his or her message was posted. Your email to me must contain your full name, and may also include anything else you wish to tell the signer. I will forward your email to the Guestbook signer you wish to contact, but with no cc or bcc to you. It will be the signer's decision whether or not to make contact with you. Any emails which contain spam, adult content, or appear suspect for any other reason will not be forwarded. ~The Editor..