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Scrapbook dated November 23, 1948
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Jay Rogers lived in Kew Gardens from 1939 to 1963 and attended P.S. 99 from 1940 to 1949. His mother, Mildred Rogers, operated the Kew Gardens Dancing School from 1950 to 1980. Still a Boy Scout and stamp collector, Jay is retired and lives with his wife in Hendersonville, NC.
The First Picture History


In 1948, for the 50th Anniversary of the consolidation of the 5 boroughs to form New York City, a City wide contest was held amongst the grade schools. Each school that entered prepared a history scrapbook of their neighborhood. PS99 prepared a really nice book. I did the photos for it and my typewriter helped too. We won some kind of award for our book. It was a then and now effort, comparing modern Kew Gardens with how things were earlier, back to 1898. I recall that we actually did alot of real research. Such bright children.

Click here to view the scrapbook

  • Scrapbook courtesy of P.S. 99 (Paulette Foglio, Principal and Dan Morgan, Document Custodian)

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