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Jay Rogers lived in Kew Gardens from 1939 to 1963 and attended P.S. 99 from
1940 to 1949. His mother, Mildred Rogers, operated the Kew Gardens Dancing
School from 1950 to 1980. Still a Boy Scout and stamp collector, Jay is
retired and lives with his wife in Hendersonville, NC.
- Image courtesy of Jay Rogers
The "GO" on the buttons stands for "General Organization". It was the student organization and everybody was encouraged to join. The GO had an elected President and other officers. There were even election campaigns. One of the benefits of membership - a nice pinback button - was referred to as just a "button" at the time. We were probably all proud to wear our PS99 buttons. Buttons were quite the thing in the 40's and 50's. The pictures are of PS99 pinbacks from 1946, '47, '48, and '49. The large pin is 1�" in diameter, the smaller ones are 7/8".