Newbold Place (82nd Road)
If you have pictures of yourself showing any Kew Gardens locale in the background, email me high resolution jpegs and I will post them here as space permits.
To download a copy of the
Queens Courier's Sept. 2003 article about Old Kew, click on one of the following links. Turn off your browser's auto-resize if the JPEG text appears too small to read.
JPEG - 240kb]
PDF - Hi Resolution, 379kb]
PDF - Low Resolution, 97kb
October 29, 2005
Editor's Note: Click on the link below to read the New York Times online version of the article about the Kew Gardens movie. The link will open in a new window. Close out the window to return here. The hard copy will go on sale tomorrow.
Click here to read the article
Newsday article on Kew Gardens movie
October 27, 2005
Editor's Note: Today's issue of New York Newsday (a local newspaper) has an article on the October 9th filming. Click on the link below to read it. The link will open in a new window. Close out the window to return here. Remember, the New York Times article on the filming is due out this coming Sunday.
Click here to read the article
October 26, 2005
I love Kew Gardens and always will. My parents still live in the house my family grew up in and I still go up to Dani's Pizzeria and the Austin Ale House a great deal. I currently live in Woodhaven now. My name is Arlene Mielczarski (formerly Young). I lived on Park Lane South (between 112th and 115th Street) from 1965 to 1988. I graduated from Richmond Hill HS in 1976. My e-mail address is . I found this site by accident when I was looking up information in Kew Gardens.
My parents are Joan and Donald Young and I have two sisters and one brother - Nancy, Tracey and Donald Young. I also went to Holy Child Jesus Grammar School in Richmond Hill growing up.
Arlene Mielczarski (formerly Young)
New York Times Article
October 26, 2005
I'm told that this coming Sunday's New York Times will have an article about the October 9th filming of the Kew Gardens movie in its City Section. I'm also told that the article will refer to the Class of 1954 Reunion on that same date.
October 21, 2005
Diane Shaman of the Kew Gardens Community Center directed my wife, Marjorie, to the site. I graduated from P.S.99 in January, 1946 and I recognize almost all of my classmates. I still live in Kew Gardens, My sons, now grown of course, were graduated from P.S. 99 also. I am a retired teacher. The site is very special to me because it recalls fond memories of my early life. You've done a terrific job.
I have some pictures of Kew Gardens when I was a boy. I'll get them out, scan them at Kinko's and send them to you if you want them.
You may publish my email address.
Richard Fenner
October 20, 2005
Just stumbled on this site-wow! So many memories...I lived in Kew Gardens from 1951 til I went away to college in 1968; my parents lived in the house I grew up in at 119 81st Avenue until very recently and now my "baby" brother Lenny and his family are there. Will write more when I''m not supposed to be "working" but had to get a quick note in. Have a stash of old pictures that I'll have to figure out how to attach and forward. Would love to hear from old buddies and re-connect. Feel free to email at . Will write more soon. Hope the new year is a happy and healthy one for everyone full of success in the things that are important to you.
Evy Picker
October 18, 2005
Can anyone tell me what was on the site of the Beverly House at 84-51 Beverly Road prior to 1939? I think it may have been a synagogue. I lived in Kew Gardens from 1934 to 1949 and graduated from PS 99 in January, 1942, so yes, I am older than dirt.
[To contact Renee, click here]
Editor's Note: Before the Beverly House was built in 1939, the plot was the location of the Fleischmann mansion which served for a number of years Temple Isaiah.
Click here and here and here.
PS 99 Class of '54 Reunion Photos
October 16, 2005
Editor's Note: Thanks to Anne Parnas Skandera for a slideshow (on another web site) of the P.S. 99 Class of 1954 reunion last Sunday. The link below will open in a new window. close out the window to return here.
Click here to view slideshow
Award for Barry Lewis
October 14, 2005
Since 1990 the Historic Districts Council, citywide advocate for New York's historic districts and neighborhoods meriting preservation, has honored individuals who have shown unusual devotion and aggressiveness in protecting historic districts. This year HDC honors BARRY LEWIS, architectural and urban historian, tour guide, TV personality, tireless advocate for the preservation of New York's heritage, and author of "KEW GARDENS: Urban Village in the Big City."
The 2005 Landmarks Lion Award will be presented to Barry Lewis on Wednesday, October 26, 2005. 6:00pm: Reception, Award Ceremony AND LECTURE at the Great Hall of Cooper Union, 3d Avenue at 8th Street, Manhattan, cost $75.
7:30pm, Dinner at Village Restauarnt, 62 West 9th Sreet, Manhattan, cost $250 (including admission to the 6:00pm event).
For tickets and info: Historic Districts Council, 232 East 11th St, NY 10003; tel: 212-614-9107; e-mail: [email protected].
For additional info call Kew Gardens Council for Recreation and the Arts: Murray Berger-718-263-7180 or Sylvia Hack-718-849-6997
Murray Berger
[To contact Murray Berger, click here]
October 13, 2005
Hi Joe,
just to let you know that Jessica Valiente, a fantastic flutist, who has appeared many times at the music and poetry show at the Bliss Cafe, as well as having made numerous concert appearances throughout the metropolitan area, entertained at the Theater Cafe in Forest Hills with her 3 piece band. She wowed the audience, as did Michael Barry, guitarist and Anna Milat-Meyer, acoustic bass player. On Tuesday, October 18th, she can be seen (at no charge)at Cuny Graduate Center, 365 5th Ave. at the Elebash Recital Hall at 7:30 PM. She will be doing her Doctoral Dissertation Recital. I advise everyone who hasn't yet seen or listened to her, to attend. She is a musician of great magnitude.
[To contact Aaron Adler, click here]
Class of '54 Reunion.
October 11, 2005
It was a marvelous day. Seeing a few "old" friends with whom I used to play ball or cards or just hang out. It was nice to know that they all remembered my family, and my house (just across the street) which looks fantastic. I too wish that more of us were there but, I appreciate all those that made the effort to enjoy the few hours we spent together walking around the old neighborhood.
My thanks to Joe, once again, for organizing and adding great value to our childhood souvenirs.
I'd like to think we could do better with attendance in future years. So do not hesitate to contact me. Our family lives in Stamford, CT.
They say "you can't go back". I believe we proved "them" wrong.
Ken Onish
[To contact Ken Onish, click here]
October 11, 2005
The picture depicting the lemonade sale brought back memories for me--I lived in Kent Manor at the same time as the three boys (I believe the correct name was Steven Kliedman) in the picture and knew them all well. I can remember Alan St. George outfitted with a bowler hat and cane barking the sale price of the lemonade and how fresh it is. The line of customers went half way back up the hill leading away from Kent Manor.
John Kasprzak
[To contact John Kasprzak, click here]
October 10, 2005
I attended the 10/9/05 reunion and enjoyed it thoroughly. I am from the class of 1954, which had 7 attendee's. Our class would like to expand the 1954 group for a future reunion. Any graduates of PS 99 from 1954 please contact me.
Michael Weiss
Lived in Kew Gardens: 1942-1964
Graduated P.S. 99: 1954
October 10, 2005
I wish I had been there yesterday. It sounds like it was wonderful. I'm loking for Lenny's poems now on the website.
I especially enjoyed the guest list entry from John Mihoulides as my brother, Martin glass was friends with Tom. It's fascinating that he lives on a houseboat now.the other thing that touched me was your reference to Nick. I found out from Leonard Schnier that he had died at such a young age. My heart broke, and still is, because he was my first love and I never forget him.
Also, I was always enamored by the lifestyle of your famiy as compared to mine in a big house on 82nd road. I am so sorry that two of your brothers have died.
Marilyn (Glass) Rudenstein
(who is kicking herself from not going to the reunion from where I have lived for ten years now in NH.)
[To contact Marilyn (Glass) Rudenstein, click here]
October 10, 2005
Click on thumbnail to enlarge.
October 10, 2005
October 10, 2005
The '65 R.H.H.S. Reunion Weekend was a big success....Party, School Tour, Jahn's was FUN ,FUN ,FUN!Thanks to all who helped in the planning, and to those who attended .let's not wait 10 to repeat.
Edi Beckler Goldberg
Poetry and Music at the Bliss
October 8, 2005
Hi Joe,
The next poetry and music show will be held at the Bliss Cafe on Friday, October 21st, starting at 7:30 P.M.
[To contact Aaron Adler, click here]
October 8, 2005
I remember P.S. 99 where I attended grade 1 in 1931 and grade 3 in 1932. In 1933, my parents moved back to Germany�my father had lost his business during the depression and my mother thought we would be better off moving back �home.� Sadly, my father was drafted back into the German army after we arrived (he had fought in WW1 and emigrated to America by jumping ship in New York after the war by borrowing a friend�s merchant seaman papers) and would never have the opportunity to see America again. In 1946, when I was 20, I was allowed to leave Germany and moved back to New Jersey. Currently I am living in Florida with my Swedish husband of 50 years Gerhard
My name is Elizabeth Nordin (nee Neuman)
My father Friedrich and Mother Babetta moved to the area from NJ in 1930 and moved to Germany in 1933.
I attended P.S. 99 for Grade 1 in 1931 and Grade 3 in 1932 only.
I have no old photos unfortunately.
My son found this site with a webcrawler search of �PS99 New York�. He is in NY for business next week and wanted to visit some of places where I grew up.
Elizabeth Nordin (nee Neuman)
[To contact Elizabeth Nordin (Neuman), click here]
Kew Gardens Movie Update
October 2, 2005
Hi Everybody,
It looks like everything is in place for Sunday, October 9th's get-together. I'm very excited to see everybody and think it'll be a big turnout.
I have a film crew hired and we now need to have your help with some details. So that everything clicks, there's a need to respond to this email, but NOT to this address... So read carefully.
We're going to meet, rain or shine, in front of P.S. 99. People will start arriving at 10:30 A.M. I'm bringing my children and grandchildren to show them the old neighborhood and hope you'll do the same (also it's nice to have young people in our film!).
Bring a pencil. You'll need to sign a release form so we can film you. It'll also be a way for us to get good contact info.
We need to get a handle on the number of people attending. IF you're coming please send a blank email to: .
In the subject area put the the fact that you're coming and the number of people coming with you. For instance "4 attending"
If you have clear pictures of yourself, particularly at school age, or interesting photos of early Kew Gardens (the 40's & 50's) or home movies, we might like to incorporate them in the film. We need either high quality copies or originals (Xeroxes aren't good enough). If originals, you could supply a stamped, self-addressed envelope for safe returnThat would be an enormous help.
We are going to make a loop, walking down Lefferts Blvd, then right on Metropolitan Ave. up to Kent Manor and the Park.
By 1 PM we'll then return to Austin Street where I've made arrangements for lunch at the Austin Steak & Ale House.
John, the manager, needs to have an estimate of people and their wishes in order to make food preparations. Please make your selections from the menu below, indicating the number of people and choice, and EMAIL him DIRECTLY at: With Best Regards,
Robert H. Lieberman
Ithaca Movies Inc.
Bigger Images
October 1, 2005
Editor's Note: Since more people now have broadband connections and higher resolution screens, I am beginning to bump up the size and resolution of the images I display here. So, instead of averaging 20 - 35 KB, images will start to average 60 - 80 KB. If enough dial up users find these file sizes make viewing the web pages too slow, let me know and I will reduce the file sizes.
Get a Gmail Account Free
October 1, 2005
Editor's Note: As of February 1st, Old Kew Gardens [.com] got with Gmail, which is the Google web based email service. You've probably heard that Gmail offers two gigabytes [2,000 MB] of free storage. It's free, but available by invitation only. Invitations are so sought after that they are being offered for sale on eBay. I have invitations I can distribute to friends. I'm not selling them, I'm giving them away. They are available on a first come first serve basis. Just send me an email telling me you'd like one.
Update: Unless I know you, your request must come from a bona fide working ISP email address. To prevent abuse, email requests coming from free web based email services like Yahoo or Hotmail will not be honored.
Update: I will remove this post when I run out of invitations. If you're reading this, then there are still invitations left to give out.
Posting Messages Here
October 1, 2005
[Ed.'s Note: The reason each guest book posting does not appear here immediately is that I review each message individually before posting to eliminate spam or unwanted adult content. Email me if you want to make a correction to a message you have already posted or if you would like a message removed.]
How to contact Guestbook signers
Some Guestbook signers choose not to publish their email addresses. If you wish to contact one of them, send me an email identifying the guestbook signer you wish to contact and giving me the date his or her message was posted. Your email to me must contain your full name, and may also include anything else you wish to tell the signer. I will forward your email to the Guestbook signer you wish to contact, but with no cc or bcc to you. It will be the signer's decision whether or not to make contact with you. Any emails which contain spam, adult content, or appear suspect for any other reason will not be forwarded. ~The Editor.