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"[T]here are nearly a score of hamlets [in western Queens] which are centers of population and business. These [include] Richmond Hill. . . . In several of the cases, it appears that good farms have been spoiled to lay out streets which are not used, and to make building lots which have been left to become useless commons."
History of Queens County, N.Y., p. 359 (W.W. Munsell & Co. 1882).
The More Things Change
Related Pages:
- Barry Lewis, Kew Gardens: Urban Village in the Big City,
pp. pp. vii, 3- 5, 8, 9 - 10, 16, 17 (Kew Gardens Council for Recreation and the Arts 1999)
- Carl Ballenas and Nancy Cataldi, Images of America -
Richmond Hill, Introduction (Arcadia Publ. 2002)
- Victorian Richmond Hill, p. 19 (Richmond Hill Chapter,
Queens Historical Society 1980)