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The picture and the account are from a 1905 book called The Story of Richmond Hill by Kate Matson Post, courtesy of the Man Family. The photograph is said to show the very brow of the Kew Gardens hill on which Albon Man stood - probably near Metropolitan Avenue and 117th Street.
The Brow of the Hill

In 1867, Albon Platt Man of New York City climbed to the brow of a hill near what is, today, the Kew Gardens section of Forest Park. Looking south, he could see the Atlantic Ocean and New Jersey's Highland Lights some 20 miles away. Man must have recalled an equally spectacular view he once beheld from Richmond Hill in the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames, for when he bought that hill and the farmland to its south, he named the place "Richmond Hill."

  • Picture courtesy of the Man family
  • Barry Lewis, Kew Gardens: Urban Village in the Big City, p. 10 (Kew Gardens Council for Recreation and the Arts 1999)
  • Victorian Richmond Hill, p. 19 (Richmond Hill Chapter, Queens Historical Society 1980)
  • Seyfried & Asadorian, Old Queens, N.Y. in Early Photographs, p. 118 (Dover Publ. 1991)

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