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In front of the old golf clubhouse (and behind the handle bar moustache) stands Albon Platt Man, Jr. - half brother of Alrick, and the engineer of record for the Kew Gardens development. Click on images to enlarge.


The 3 girls are standing in front of 83-45 118th Street - the now long vanished home of Alrick Man, founder of Kew Gardens.

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To share them with others. Pictures are a window to our past; and pictures that are kept hidden away are like a window boarded up.

What Kew Gardens pictures do you want?
Pictures before 1960. (N.B.: Kew Gardens used to be part of Richmond Hill, so pre-1913 pictures are labeled "Richmond Hill".) I'll evaluate each picture submitted.

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No. If you do not want to sell or donate the original, I will pay to have it copied.

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Yes. Please scan them in JPEG (.jpg) format at high resolution. Please do not send anything in Bitmap (.bmp) format.

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Yes. Let me know if and how you would like to be credited. I cannot guarantee the length of time that any print or digital images will remain posted or that they will not be lost. Images posted here can be copied by others.

Reference: Barry Lewis, Kew Gardens: Urban Village in the Big City, p. 16, col. 1 (Kew Gardens Council on Recreation and the Arts 1999). Photographs courtesy of the Man Family.